What affects the effectiveness of teamwork?

Kepler's Team
3 min readJun 15, 2022


By Khrystyna Leskiv

The phenomenon of teamwork has become inherent in today’s business world. Nowadays, it is an irreplaceable ingredient of success that no company can do without.

Traditionally, teamwork can be defined as an efficient and productive activity of people working together to accomplish some pre-determined goals.

According to Scarnati (2001, p.5), teamwork may also be understood as “a cooperative process that allows ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results.”

The point is that the collective work of people as a team appears to be far more fruitful than of an individual on their own.

However, the existence of only cooperation within a team does not make its performance effective and will not lead it to a successful outcome. Hence, the effectiveness of teamwork correlates with the success thereof. So, what are the main principles of effective collaboration? Let us figure it out.

P. Tarricone and J. Luca, scientists at Edith Cowan University, conducted a case study where they defined six key attributes of successful teamwork:

Commitment to team success and shared goals

All team members should be into the project, seek to achieve clear purposes, and be highly motivated. They appreciate the team’s values and beliefs.


Under this attribute, a team should be viewed as an integrated whole. That implies the overall success of a team depends upon each participant’s input, and there is no possibility of success if someone fails. Therefore, team members practice synergy to boost effectiveness and productivity.

Interpersonal skills

Efficient collaboration is impossible without a favorable environment. Mutual understanding, respect, support, and gratitude are underlying factors for creating the ambiance of a close-knit community.

Open communication and positive feedback

Hidden emotions and issues foster tension among team members. It is recommended that workers conduct open dialogs, communicate their concerns outspokenly, and embrace constructive criticism reasonably to get rid of negative feelings.

Appropriate team composition

The work of any team ought to function as a coherent mechanism. All the roles, responsibilities, and tasks have to be clearly allocated, providing smooth operation and contributing to the final output.

Commitment to team process, leadership, and accountability

It is crucial that everyone realizes their role in the project, is familiar with its finer details, and is accountable for their performance. Successful issue resolutions and decision-making are conditioned by effective leadership.

Beyond this list, one more helpful tip is to establish closer rapport, enhance trust level, and defuse tensions by spending time with co-workers outside the office.

So, those are the main points to adhere to if there is a need to reach effective teamwork and successful results. By sticking to them, not only will a company benefit, but also each employee will enjoy personal and professional growth.

Do not hesitate to share your views and your own teamwork experience in the comments.

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Kepler's Team

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