Impact Entrepreneurship — Impact Investing — Impact Relationships — Impact Life

Keren Israeli
3 min readJul 10, 2017


Imagine you could invest in creative people; an artist or an entrepreneur or any other person who has a goal; a future plan to become successful in what they do, to invest in their future potential. That small change of a mindset can breach any social barrier and impact a change in someone’s life. Imagine you could collect an investment portfolio where your smaller or bigger changes accumulated into total crowdfunded investment in people, by people, who, like you, believe that this impact can return to them in case of a genuine success.

Creating an Impact Venture, such as Penny Royalty, took us a year to specify, a year to brainstorm, a year to consult, a year to develop, all simultaneously . It has been a year that I will never forget. For once, comparing to all my other ventures, the co — founders don’t just share the Impact Entrepreneurship social genome, but share the notion behind Impact Friendship. We are there for each other on any aspect, business-wise and personal.

It takes an Impact Investor to see our vision as the next social-economic evolution. It takes an Impact Investment to root us in the field of Impact Entrepreneurship and kick start our venture from there. Penny Royalty is a tribute to any creative mind that influenced us; from Kurt Cobain who we stole our product name; from one of his songs’ title to Elon Musk who inspires us all to keep trying and go after the impossible, technology-wise.
I could list you the list of inspirations, but I rather talk about the Impact we are going to hand.

Our bottom line: “Creativity is the most important resource in human history” that sentence resonates on us since the beginning of this journey. I have done ventures, I tried to raise these beautiful concepts; beautiful apps and platforms, beautiful transparent products for people to have. I am a passionate artist in my core and the way I look at art is the same way I look at technology, a search for its beauty.

Now, each one of the investment-related people I have met on my way till now has been saying the same thing, basically: “I invest in people, I invest in teams!” and they are almost right, the right people will be able to pivot their way out of anything. But they don’t really invest in people, they invest in equity. Our mission statement is that when you invest in the people themselves, too, everybody wins.

So, as we are getting ready to release our first version of product, we are getting ready to face the impact it might bring. We were born ready to face the change we lead. Each one of us had to get to the point of their careers they had reached till we joined forces. It’s not like a regular punk-rock band, it is a super-group. We are ones of the first users on platform, if you would consider to invest in us, personally, too.

Penny Royalty in a brief



Keren Israeli

An Idea Architect and an Entrepreneur at co-founder & CEO @pennyroyalty_co