Best hair loss treatment in USA — Yes its true!

KeraHealth France
5 min readMar 6, 2018


Without a doubt we can say that hair loss is currently one of the most common issues for both men and women. The emotional anguish can be so intense that it leaves hair loss sufferers frantically searching for an effective hair loss treatment. Now, it goes without saying that the best hair loss treatment in USA is the one that actually works. While you can find a plethora of products in the market that claim to have specifically designed ingredients for hair regeneration most of them have absolutely no effect. To formulate an effective solution extensive research with the various components is needed to identify the perfect ingredient that can aid both men and women suffering from complaints like hair thinning, balding and MPB (Male pattern baldness). At KeraHealth formulated a product that offers a scientifically based, drug free option to address the issue of poor hair health. But without the proper proof why would you have faith in us? In this article, on behalf of the research team of this web store will be listing a brief description about this breakthrough product and the clinical tests that we conducted in order to reachthis conclusion. So, if want to know the inside story of such products that others hide then this post is worth a read for you.

KerCysteine– the breakthrough element for strong, healthy hair!

KerCysteine is the active ingredient developed after years of extensive research and study. Without a proper goal or objective research cannot be successful. In the course of our research we discovered that the element Keratin is the Key structural component of hair as well as nails. This element is naturally produced in our body, however, it depletes with age and aggressions of the external environment. So, an ingredient that can help to maintain this stock in our body is necessary. With this aim in mind we created KerCysteinean innovative, soluble and digestible form of Keratin uniquely extracted by a patented proprietary process and naturally sourced. Below are the 5 clinical tests that were conducted as part of the research on KerCysteine.

KerCysteine Clinical studies:

With the goal to find the best hair loss treatment in USA, we conducted a clinical study on KerCysteine, Conducted on 50 random subjects with signs of damaged hair and nails in a placebo-controlled 90-day intervention study at a single site in Italy. The effects of our products on the active and placebo-groups were measured on hair using five separate tests:

1. Pull test

2. Tensile strength

3. Amino acid composition

4. Brightness

5. Hair cycle (Anagen/Telogen)

1. Hair Pull Test:

The pull test helps us evaluate the scalp hair loss. Gentle traction was applied on a bunch of about 60 hairs in three areas of the scalp and we counted the number of extracted hairs. The dermatologist takes a few strands between his/her thumb and forefinger and pulls them gently.


· 92% of the participants experienced less hair loss only after 1 month.

· 100% of the participants experienced less hair loss after 3 months.

· Participants experienced an average decrease of 47% of hair loss in only 3 months.

2. Tensile Strength:

In this test we measured the breakage resistance of a single hair fiber with a dynamometer (Tensolab 2512A, Mesdan Lab). On an average we made 10 readings.

· We found that subjects on placebo showed no statistical improvement of their hair strength at the end of the test period.

· On the contrary, the active group that took KerCysteine showed a 10% improvement in hair strength after 3 months.

3. Amino Acids:

As per our study, the Keratin proteins derived from amino acids is responsible for almost 80% of the components which constitute human hair. Other components include water, lipids, and melanin. Since our scalp is skin, we need amino acids to keep it well-nourished and ready to promote healthy hair growth. A few examples of such amino acids areL-cysteine, L-methionine and L-serine. These are known to promote hair growth and strength.


· The percentage of Serine found in KerCysteine: 25%

· The percentage of Glutamine Acid found in KerCysteine: 55%

· The percentage of Cystine found in KerCysteine: 75%

· The percentage of Methionine found in KerCysteine: 25%

4. Brightness:

Appearance is a huge factor when it comes to hair. Hence, the brightness of the hair was evaluated by a licensed dermatologist who assigned a value of one to three based on the subject’s hair brightness and lustre. A score of 1 is dull and devoid of brightness, a score of 2 is basically dull and not so bright, and a score of 3 is shiny and bright.


· 33% of participants observed an improvement only after 1 month.

· 96% of the participant observed an improvement after 3 months.

5. Hair Cycle:

We conducted the Anagen/telogen testing after choosing a targeted area (mid-vertex) of approximately 1.8 cm2 for clipping hair. For accuracy a few close-up digital photographs were immediately taken after shaving and 2 days later. Then the two photographs were compared by software to determine if the hair was in Anagen phase (growing) or Telogen phase (final cycle of the hair).


· 100% of participants saw an increase in Anagen after 3 months

· 100% of participants saw a reduction in Telogen after 3 months

· The percentile change of Anagen was 10x higher

The Verdict:

When a brand claims that they are providing you with a formula that contains clinically tested ingredients you are often left in the dark as to how they have reach to this conclusion and the tests have been conducted. But this is not the case with KeraHealth.

That’s why above we have shared complete details of the five tests that we have conducted on our exclusive ingredients before concluding the results. If you have any further queries, we welcome you visit and see more details about our products and research. Finding the best hair loss treatment in USA is not a fiction anymore! Get your first month’s supply today just by dialing 302–351–3377. Keeping your hair long and lustrous is just a few clicks away! Click on the link and get started today.

If you have any additional questions or feedback about this post, feel free to drop them in the comments section and we’ll address them in our upcoming posts. Also, give this post thumbs up if you found it worth a read. This is our biggest motivation.




KeraHealth France

The best supplements for hair loss: KerCysteine - Patented Hair Growth Supplements by KeraHealth.