
Kerati Apilakvanichakit
3 min readAug 21, 2019


There is nothing quite like coming home after a successful day, taking a relaxing shower, snuggling up in bed feeling pampered, ready to scroll through your smart device.

It is the sake of life to review incoming messages of those declaring that they are prepared to mate with you, or for oneself to slide into DMs straightforwardly or subtly.

You ever-so-satisfyingly get through your notifications one-by-one, quickly and sincerely ignoring the jargon that interest rates were lowered, the stock market is down and that there’s some inverted yield curve being passed around like a bottle, or hoe… as I digress, yes, a hoe can be male or female.

Anyways, most people around my age have not been in the workforce during an economic recession nor have we been of adult-sound mind during any US-led invasions. There’s something cyclical about the unraveling of life. Although history might repeat, history definitely rhymes.

I’m pretty sure things are about to get rather interesting again but every Tom, Dick and Sally is too busy to care because they have a key up their nose or is scrolling through their set of likes for the 5th time.

It may be altruistic to live a comfortable life and still care about the baloney going on behind the scenes: the cheaters at the DNC, pay-to-play politics, sexism, corrupt banks, corporate lobbying, ageism, infinite debt ceiling, the prison and military-industrial complex, soon-to-be negative (cost you money to keep it with banks) interest rates, authoritarian regimes, racism, rigged economy and the question of why don’t I just give to my parents 6.2% of my paycheck instead of paying into the social security money pit? Why the hell is everything so expensive and for some goddamn reason, shit is getting even more expensive?

It is no surprise that mainstream media is more interested at executing their agenda than broadcasting real news to you. Trust in our politicians and banks is lower than your trust in your ex.

It would be nice to have some sort of unbiased system that does not care how much money you have, what gender you are, what you look like, nor whether you’re a hoe or not, and remains completely 100% neutral and apolitical. Some type of highly-effective, transparent accountability network that takes humanity’s greed and creates a security mechanism out of it, where it is the duty of participants to not trust anyone else, but to instead, verify. A type of public good that is not controlled by a small subset of uber rich individuals scheming behind closed doors. A finite thing that is uncorrelated to traditional markets, is accessible after 5pm in the evening, and serves as an insurance policy to all the uncertainty and deceit of the incumbent status quo. You know what, it’d be even better if this thing was digital.

