How to use Wasabi wallet / CoinJoin Guide

Kerati Apilakvanichakit
3 min readSep 9, 2019


This serves as a quick guide to making Bitcoin anonymous again. The great, open-sourced Wasabi wallet utilizes CoinJoin, a trustless way to privately mix and send your precious BTCs.

  1. First make sure you are going to the correct website to download the Wasabi wallet. (double-check that you are DLing and installing the correct software, trust no one!)
  2. Once installed, it will take a few moments to synchronize with the network, connect to peers and be Ready. Generate your wallet, choose a good password and do not forget to write down your seed!

2.1. After creating your wallet, choosing a password and writing down your seed, I recommend going to Test Password in case you are clumsy or have fat fingers.

3. Alright! Once all systems are ready click on Receive and generate your receiving address.

4. After sending BTCs to your receiving address and upon confirmation, click CoinJoin. Your privacy rating will probably show a Red X Shield with an anonymity set of 1. Think of anonymity set as a rating or mix level of anonymity.

The Yellow ! Shield has an anonymity mix of 2 to 20.
The Green Shield has an anonymity mix of 21 to 49.
The Green Shield with a Check Mark has an anonymity mix of 50+.

5. Click Select All, enter your Mandarin password (lol) and hit Enqueue Selected Coins!

this is a good time to do something else like grab some water or take a walk

6. Your Status Bar will now pop up showing which coins are queued waiting to be mixed. You may click the giant shield, circled below, to change your target anonymity although it is recommended to keep it at 50. If the number of Registered Peers reaches 100/100 then CoinJoin will begin immediately. Otherwise, CoinJoin will initiate automatically once the registration timer is up.

7. Let the trustless mixing begin!

8. After CoinJoin is complete and depending on how much you are mixing, you may be good to go. Due to the nature of CoinJoin, the trustless method will automatically split up your coins. If there are BTCs remaining that haven’t quite reached your anonymity preference and you are in a rush, I recommend clicking Select All Non-Private and only queuing those coins.

9. A neat feature is you can still send your BTCs that you deem private enough to be sent while you are waiting for the others to CoinJoin. Simply go to Send, select accordingly and enter your password.

This concludes the guide, thanks for reading!
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note the fees are “unfairly cheap” (

