This is Money.

Explaining The Use of Money — Post #2

Michael Kerbleski
Mike Talks About Bitcoin
2 min readAug 31, 2017


A real US Dollar, that I own.

If I want, I can take this dollar and go buy an apple or perhaps a small hamburger. Money allows us to buy things from people who use the same money.

This is because everyone who has $1 in their pocket, agrees that another dollar is worth the same amount. It doesn’t matter which dollar bill you have, as long as you have a dollar bill.

But money can be anything. It doesn’t have to be a US dollar or a Japanese yen or Mexican peso. Money can be (and has been) currency, cigarettes, gold, or chickens, depending on your current environment. The important thing is that the money will be accepted as payment when you go to buy something at a later time.

Which means that one important characteristic of successful money is… trust.

I need to trust that the grocery store will accept my dollar whenever I buy an apple since I am paid to work in dollars. Otherwise, I should be working for apples.

Thankfully I do trust dollars more than apples. And I will cover why, tomorrow.

This is post #2. The others are located here.

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