Sad Boi Makes Us Happy | Said The Sky @ the Palladium

3 min readJul 21, 2019


Can I just say…

Said The Sky…

Words simply cannot describe…

Maybe a gif will do…

Pokemon Feels.

I was (oddly) obsessed with Pokemon at an older age so that’s as feelsy as it gets with me…

The thing is, I like almost all concerts I go to, but there are only few concerts that I can say stick with me.

And then I met the concert that changed me.

Now my bar for concerts are so fucking high, that nobody else will come close.

And that, my friends, is what Said The Sky was like.

I’m not going to lie…

I was fucking wasted

So wasted that I was on the spectrum.

Have you ever been that drunk? Where you’re COMPLETELY FUCKING HAPPY and then in an instant, you’re completely fucking sad, and then in a blink of an eye, back to super fucking happy again?

Apparently, that’s the way I was behaving at STS which is suiting for the Feels…right?

Drunk af.

That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.

Honestly though… is there another way to enjoy a friday night?

… if you answered anything other than ‘yes’ to that, this isn’t the blog for you. :)

Back to the concert. this post says everything:

You’ve got Haliene.

You’ve got Dabin.

You’ve got the drumline


fuck. me.

It was insane, and one of my favorite moments of the show that there was no fucking way I was going to ruin it by busting out my phone to film it.

You just had to be there.

This! moment tho… represents how FUCKING AMAZING this show was. the musicality, the music, the passion…

AND not to mention — MIDNIGHT KIDS who opened for STS and rocked the house.

those two midnight kids stayed well past their bedtime ❤ #worth

SERIOUSLY tho. people ask me how I have the energy for this.

How in the hell I’m able to drag my ass to a crowded ass theater, dance all night in a crowded fucking room.

My answer is this: How can you not?

SUREEE we’re the oldest fuckers in the room.

SUREEE we’re rave momming/dadding all the youngins rolling without abandon.

Partying comes at any age (which I’ve only just realized). So. Enjoy the show or Enjoy the blog posts about it. 😍

Mike lost my 3rd (and final) fan 😓

I will forever see STS WHENEVER THE FUCK I CAN.

(and the next time will be at the epic EZOO in NYC)

STS=== Officially my favorite DJ of all time.

Until the next roll~!

Good vibes only!

EDM Bloomer~

