5 Tips for a Successful Marriage From Ottawa Divorce Lawyers

Kerry Fox
5 min readFeb 24, 2020


Ottawa Divorce Lawyers

Marriage is never an all smooth path. While many are able to cope and stay strong amidst all those trials, others were not able to make it through and end up getting a divorce instead. Do you want to know how to make your marriage last? Here’s some tips from Ottawa divorce lawyers.

Walking down the aisle and getting married to the most precious person in the world is everybody’s dream. Marriage does not only mark your official physical union with your beloved partner, but it also signifies a lifelong commitment and dedication to your better half. It also entails emotional and spiritual union of the two individuals who promise to become one through thick and thin, till their last breath.

Marriage life is never always a straight, smooth path. All couples and families maneuver through rough patches and a few twists and turns. At some points, they will experience trials and problems that will test the foundation of their relationship. While many are able to cope and stay strong amidst all those trials, others were not able to make it through and end up getting a divorce.

Are you worried about how your marriage will end up? Well, instead of thinking about the worst scenario, consider getting some advice from experts who can help you make the foundation of your relationship stronger and make your marriage last a lifetime. Surprisingly, we are not referring to marriage counselors here but Ottawa divorce lawyers.

But divorce lawyers ought to help you end up your marriage, why should they give you unconditional advice instead? Well, it’s because they have seen the worst part of many people’s marriage and they are way too familiar with things that prompt married couples to visit their Ottawa family law office.

Don’t be too comfortable

It is good to be comfortable when you are around your spouse. However, being too comfortable can be bad, too. When you get too comfortable with your spouse, family and even with your daily routine, life can slowly become dull. Instead, think of ways to make everyday an exciting day for your family. A simple tweak in your daily routine can do you a favor. Simple things like for instance, cooking a breakfast when you are actually not the one who usually cook, or perhaps waking up earlier than your spouse does and preparing his or her toothbrush. These things seem too simple and meaningless but they can effectively help give a few breaks on your daily routine. And don’t forget to take care of your appearance, too.

Stop the blaming game

Ottawa Divorce Lawyers

Every now and then you and your spouse will experience some disputes and disagreements. And that is just normal. However, instead of pointing your finger to your spouse every time you have disputes, try to ask yourself first if you are not completely at fault.

For many people, blaming others is easier than admitting their own mistakes. This way, they can convince themselves that they are not the cause of the problem. But playing along with the blaming game can take you to nowhere but more heated arguments and eventually disconnection.

Try to weigh things out, avoid being self-centered, and admit your own mistakes. Instead of blaming, try to find a solution to the problem at hand.

Good communication

Communication is vital to any relationship. But mere communication may not be enough to keep your marriage smooth sailing. According to the family lawyers in Ottawa, one of the most common reasons why couples experience misunderstandings and disputes is lack of good communication.

For a marriage to last, couples need to ensure good communication and it should be a two way traffic thing. Do not just do all the talking or the listening but do both. Make it a habit to speak out and to tell your spouse what you want to say and what you feel and at the same time, be willing to listen to his or her side as well. Set at least a few minutes or an hour per day for a quick chit-chat with your spouse.

Ottawa Divorce Lawyers

Think that your spouse is always listening

When you are angry and all, it makes you feel a bit better to vent your rage and despair to your best pal through call, text, chat, or even personal conversation. But this won’t do you good and may even make your fight worse. Instead of resolving the conflict, it can make your relationship and affection weaker as it will fuel your anger more.

Before expressing your frustration to other people, consider first how your spouse will feel if they are listening to what you are about to say and then think of ways to calm your nerves. When you think your anger has already subsided, take time to talk directly to your spouse about the things that made you feel angry.

Treat financial matters like you do during business meetings

One of the most common marital issues that drive couples to visit an Ottawa divorce lawyer is financial-related problems. Couples sometimes don’t agree on certain things when it comes to making decisions about how they will handle their finances. You have your wants and your spouse also has his own wants. Troubles can happen when you let your heart decide about your finances.

Instead of getting persuaded by your wants and letting your heart take the lead, make your logical mind do the job. Treat financial matters like you do during business meetings. For instance, when you are planning to buy a new house, do all the necessary things first before coming up with a final decision just like how investors do when purchasing new properties for their company.

Check if you can afford not only the monthly amortization but also the other related costs like the association dues, insurance, property taxes, and moving costs. Also list down all the essentials you need in a home like how many rooms your family needs, do you need a garden or garage, is the area accessible, and the likes. You can also check with the local real estate market to know whether the house you are planning to buy is good or not.

These are just five of the many unconditional advice divorce lawyers can offer to help couples save their marriage. There are many other things you can do to avoid the divorce court, though. Try them out as well if you think they are applicable to your case.



Kerry Fox

Kerry’s Family Law is a highly experienced family lawyer in Ottawa. Kerry fox law is specializing in family law, and provide accurate legal device.