A Christmas Poem I Wrote in Second Grade

Yes, I still have it memorized!

Kerry Purvis
2 min readDec 20, 2023
A girl sitting next to a Christmas tree
Photo of a girl sitting near a Christmas tree. Photo by Jonathan Borba on Pexels

There are things from childhood you never forget. In second grade, I wrote a silly poem called “I Was Ill On Christmas.” It was about a child who got sick with the flu on Christmas Day. It had a surprise ending I was so proud of I couldn’t wait to read it in front of the class! (And I usually hated reading in front of the class!) My classmates loved it, and I have remembered the poem since. It was one of my crowning achievements in elementary school, and I thought I would share it with you all today.

I hope you enjoy it. Or get a chuckle out of it!

A child wrapped up in blankets and sleeping on a chair with a Christmas tree in the background
A child wrapped up in blankets and sleeping on a chair with a Christmas tree in the background. Photo by KoolShooters on Pexels

I Was Ill on Christmas

I was ill on Christmas
I had to stay in bed
With the headache I had in my head

Oh my aching knees
I’m beginning to wheeze
Not this kind of thing
I’m starting to sneeze

As you can tell,
This is something I don’t like
No friends could come over
Not Fred or Mike



Kerry Purvis

Xennial writer from Maine, USA. Librarian by day. Co-host Muppet Profiles. Writes about ADHD, mental health, music, cats, TV, and other random things. She/her