My Answers to BJ’s This or That Challenge: New Year’s Edition

Kerry Purvis
4 min readJan 10, 2023

My first writing challenge of 2023!

Woman holding a glass of champagne and a small sign that says “Happy New Year!”
Woman holding New Year’s Sign photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels

It’s time for my first writing challenge of 2023! Once again, Brett Jenae Tomlin has a wonderful This or That challenge for us! Thank you, BJ, this was a lot of fun!

You can find BJ’s Challenge here:

This or That?

Resolutions or No Resolutions?

No resolutions. Resolutions make me stressed. I prefer not to be stressed.

Be kind. Unwind.
Be kind. Unwind. Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Mountains or Ocean?

Ocean. I love the ocean and visit whenever I can.

The Casco Bay.
Casco Bay photo by the author

Fiction or Nonfiction?



Kerry Purvis

Xennial writer from Maine, USA. Librarian by day. Co-host Muppet Profiles. Writes about ADHD, mental health, music, cats, TV, and other random things. She/her