Where it all came from…

The Right Side of Thrifty


There are times in your life when you forget who you are & what you stand for. For some this comes after having children, I know for me it did.

I lived my life on a day in, day out basis. It revolved around children & work & sleep (or the lack thereof).

Thinking about me was not my highest priority.

Then something happened, my marriage ended & it was hard. It was one of those moments in life where you realise that nothing should be taken for granted.

I spent the next couple of years rebuilding myself, remembering what & who I was, & what & who I wanted to be.

I allowed myself to spend time & money on me. I went back to go forward & in that time my confidence started to grow.

And here I am, with a newly developed sense of MY OWN personal style. And I love it.

Be brave, leave your comfort zone, believe in yourself!

Kerry x



The Right Side of Thrifty

Creating a sense of style whilst on a budget can be easy & fun when you know that you can indulge in charity/thrift shopping! Build your personal style. Enjoy!