5 Tips For Writing Bug Bounty Reports — Bug Bounty Tuesday

2 min read2 days ago

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Hello everyone, I’m Kerstan.

Today is Bug bounty Tuesday, I will share with you about 5 tips for writing bug bounty reports in bug bounty.

So, let’s dive right in.

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1. Always prioritize clarity!

  • Use simple language, bulleted lists, and clear headings to make it easy for anyone to understand your report.

2. Nothing beats a good reproduction step!

  • Include every detail — tools used, the endpoint affected, parameters.
  • Make it so detailed that a beginner could recreate the bug.

3. Screenshots or it didn’t happen.

  • Visual evidence like screenshots, videos or network logs are golden
  • They offer indisputable evidence and simplify understanding.

4. Remember to discuss the impact.

  • Help the reader understand why this bug matters, the potential damage, data exposed, etc.
  • Make them feel the urgency!

5. Propose a mitigation strategy.

