How to make your kid a programming lover?

Somar Kesen
2 min readNov 23, 2021


The children world is like a fantasy world. You need to know that the rules that you can apply in the real world and with people of your age can never be applied to children. You can’t simply tell them that this is good and fun for them and that is why they should do it. It might be difficult, but I’m going to show you a range of activities and ideas that you’re going to help you raise a programmer child.

1- Make it look like a entertainment.

By default, kids happen to love playing and having fun. So, all you have to do is have fun with them and get programming into it. You might be watching TV with them on one of those science fiction movies, when you start talking about technology and how robots can be made and some of the other amazing things that might interest your child.

2- Make activity participatory

When a child sees his peers or even the elders interested in something, he is going to show an interest as well. First, you design a game or a graphic story and then let the kid help you and make sure he is the center of the process. This will help him enjoy and learn.

3- Show him your interest in his achievements

Especially in the first phase, the child is always looking for support and feedback for his work no matter how small or big is the achievement , for example, when he succeeds in making his first game, take your shot and play it, and give your feedback.

4- Don’t push him/her

Let it sound optional to him/her because usually if it is forced, it is not going to work. It doesn’t have to look like you’re the one who wants to. The more you make it seem as an obligation, the less the kid will want to proceed with learning.

5- Put him in a community that shares the same interest.

There are many institutions and organizations that take care of such an interest all across the globe. These institutions do hundreds of activities every year that bring together a large number of children to collaborate and learn.
If you could not find such an institution (and that’s going to be very rare), you can create your own community and help teach more than one child in a competitive, supportive and rich environment , especially when there are prizes and rewards for them whenever progress is made.

I hope these tips are good for those who want to teach programming to kids. It is not only about one kid sitting behind his computer. It all these tips combined with a bit of passion and dedication.



Somar Kesen

Entrepreneur | Web Developer | Active in the children’s programming community