I brought in a light theme for Spotify

Keshav Raj
4 min readOct 3, 2019

Bringing in a light theme for Spotify, what would it look like?

Spotify Logo

Spotify is a very popular music player which is fully based on a dark theme, it has been following this dark theme from the very beginning.

Spotify mobile for iOS and Android

My question was why Spotify doesn’t have a light theme? so i wanted to bring in a light theme for Spotify. This was the main goal behind my redesign

The process started by beginning a Spotify breakdown and research, which was basically figuring out the design guidelines of the app and reasoning on why they were using them. Then I moved forward in to the user flow and the task flow figuring out what is happening in every screen

Spotify design guidelines breakdown with gestalt principles
Figuring out the user flow for Spotify

Following which I experimented with possible changes i could bring, Spotify is a very well developed application so finding possible changes was the hardest challenge I faced. So after a lot of silly ideas i came up with few changes I would want in the app other than the light theme idea, I presented the idea by sketching out all the new possible changes.

Sketch of the possible changes

Then I moved into wire framing, where i sketched out every screen with all the new changes and especially the light theme. For this wire framing i downloaded a sample phone wire framing kit and printed it out to make the process more easier.

Next big thing was High fidelity wire framing, which was done on Adobe XD it was really fun moving from lofi to hifi wire framing.

After all this process we come to the final process of preparing the prototype. For the prototype, I recreated all the Spotify icons using adobe illustrator

Some icons i designed using Adobe Illustrator

The moved into Adobe XD where I created the fully functional prototype with the light theme and all the changes applied

Now ill show you the changes made to the UI of Spotify to bring in a Light theme

This was my redesign of Spotify’s UI. Open for feedback please write to me at keshavraj6301@gmail.com or please comment down below

I would like to thank my mentor Naveen, who guided me through this project and helped me bring out a proper result

Thank you

Keshav Raj | UI/UX designer | Srishti institute of art design and technology

