Behind the Scenes with the Octagon Girls: More than Just Pretty Faces

Keshawn Parker
7 min readOct 17, 2023

The UFC Octagon Girls have become an integral part of the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) experience. These lovely ladies are more than just eye-candy; they have an important role in the action-packed Championship Fight Nights and Pay-Per-View events. From fighters entering the Cage to announcing Knockouts and Submissions, the Octagon Girls are a major part of the UFC atmosphere. In this blog post, we take a look behind the scenes with the Octagon Girls to get a better understanding of what goes into becoming a part of the Octagon Nation. We’ll explore their training and preparation, their passion for the sport, and the unique dynamics that come with having a front-row seat to Title fights and some of the most intense moments in MMA.

What is UFC and MMA?

UFC, short for Ultimate Fighting Championship, is a globally recognized mixed martial arts (MMA) organization. MMA is a full-contact combat sport that combines various disciplines like boxing, wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, and more. It has gained immense popularity in recent years, attracting fans from all walks of life.

The UFC is known for its high-stakes fights, featuring some of the best fighters from around the world. With multiple weight classes and a range of fighting styles, the UFC offers a thrilling experience for both fighters and spectators alike.

MMA, on the other hand, is the broader category that encompasses various combat sports, including the UFC. It is a fast-paced and intense sport that requires fighters to have a diverse skill set and exceptional physical and mental strength.

Understanding the significance of UFC and MMA is crucial to appreciating the role of the Octagon Girls, who add an extra level of excitement to every event. Now, let’s delve into why these Octagon Girls are more than just pretty faces.

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The Importance of the Octagon Girls

The Octagon Girls are not just there to look pretty. They play a vital role in the UFC and MMA experience. These stunning women are the ones who keep the energy alive between rounds, holding up the numbered signs to let the fighters and the audience know which round is coming up next. They also walk the fighters to the cage, creating a dramatic and intense atmosphere that adds to the excitement of the event. Moreover, the Octagon Girls announce the winner after each fight and help to create memorable moments with their charisma and stage presence. Their role is not just about aesthetics; they are an integral part of the overall entertainment and spectacle that the UFC and MMA provide. Without them, the experience wouldn’t be the same.

Meet the Octagon Girls

The Octagon Girls are not just beautiful faces, they are unique individuals who bring their own personalities and style to the UFC Octagon. These talented women have become recognizable figures in the MMA world, capturing the attention of fans around the globe. With their striking looks and confident demeanor, they add a touch of glamour to the intense atmosphere of each event.

But there is more to these ladies than meets the eye. They are not just models; they are fans of the sport, with a deep understanding and appreciation for MMA. They have to be knowledgeable about the fighters, the rules, and the history of the UFC. Their dedication goes beyond the glitz and glam; they are there to support the fighters and provide an unforgettable experience for the fans.

Each Octagon Girl has her own unique story and journey that brought her to the UFC. They come from various backgrounds and have different skills and interests. Some are professional dancers, models, or fitness enthusiasts. But what they all have in common is their passion for the sport and their love for being a part of the Octagon Nation.

These ladies work hard to maintain their physiques and stay in peak physical condition. They train rigorously to ensure they can keep up with the demands of their role. From strength training to cardio workouts, they have to be fit and agile to navigate the Octagon and perform their duties flawlessly.

Meeting the Octagon Girls is an experience in itself. Fans get a chance to interact with them during events, take pictures, and even get autographs. Their friendly and approachable nature adds a personal touch to the UFC experience, making fans feel like a part of the action.

The Octagon Girls also play an important role in representing the UFC outside of the events. They attend promotional events, media appearances, and engage with fans on social media. They are not just ambassadors for the UFC but also advocates for women in the sport. They inspire others to pursue their passions and break barriers in a male-dominated industry.

Training for the Role

Training to become an Octagon Girl is no easy feat. These women have to be more than just physically fit and beautiful; they have to be able to handle the pressure and intensity of the UFC environment. To prepare for their role, the Octagon Girls undergo a rigorous training program that includes physical conditioning, dance and choreography, and public speaking. They work with professional trainers to improve their strength, endurance, and flexibility, ensuring they can keep up with the fast-paced nature of the events. Additionally, they receive coaching on how to interact with the fighters and the audience, learning how to exude confidence and charisma. The training process is demanding, but it’s what allows these women to excel in their role and contribute to the electrifying atmosphere of the Octagon.

Life as an Octagon Girl

Being an Octagon Girl is more than just a glamorous job; it’s a unique lifestyle that comes with its own set of challenges and rewards. These ladies live and breathe the world of UFC, constantly traveling and attending events to bring the energy and excitement to fans worldwide. From early morning workouts to late-night appearances, their schedule is demanding and requires dedication and passion for the sport.

Life as an Octagon Girl is not all glitz and glam; it’s about being professional and representing the UFC with grace and charisma. They have the privilege of being front and center at some of the biggest fights in the world, witnessing the intense moments firsthand. It’s a dream come true for any MMA enthusiast.

But it’s not all about being in the spotlight. These women also have to be approachable and engage with fans, making sure everyone feels welcome and included in the UFC experience. They create lasting memories for fans by taking pictures, signing autographs, and making personal connections.

Behind the scenes, they work closely with the fighters, providing support and encouragement before they step into the Octagon. They have a unique bond with the athletes and share in their triumphs and losses.

Life as an Octagon Girl is an extraordinary experience that goes beyond being just a pretty face. It’s about being part of the MMA community, spreading positivity, and contributing to the electric atmosphere that makes the UFC events so unforgettable.

Behind-the-Scenes at UFC Events

Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at a UFC event? Well, the Octagon Girls are at the heart of the action, making sure everything runs smoothly. These ladies are not just there to look pretty; they have important roles to play throughout the event. From preparing the Octagon before fights to ensuring the fighters are in the right place at the right time, they are always busy behind the scenes. They work closely with the production team, coordinating their movements and timing to perfection. It’s a high-pressure job, but these ladies handle it with grace and professionalism. So next time you watch a UFC event, take a moment to appreciate the hard work and dedication of the Octagon Girls behind the scenes.

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The Future of the Octagon Girls in UFC

As the UFC continues to evolve and grow, so does the role of the Octagon Girls. These charismatic and talented women have become an iconic part of the UFC experience, captivating audiences worldwide. But what does the future hold for them?

One thing is for certain: the Octagon Girls will continue to be a crucial part of the UFC’s image and brand. Their presence adds a touch of glamour and excitement to each event, and fans have come to expect their appearance. As the UFC expands into new markets and reaches new audiences, the Octagon Girls will play a vital role in connecting with fans and creating unforgettable moments.

Additionally, with the growing focus on gender equality and female empowerment, the Octagon Girls will likely continue to evolve their role. We can expect to see more diversity among the Octagon Girls, with a focus on inclusivity and representation. This could mean featuring women of different ethnicities, body types, and backgrounds, reflecting the diverse fan base that the UFC attracts.

Furthermore, as the UFC continues to prioritize women’s MMA, we may see the Octagon Girls taking on additional roles within the organization. They could become ambassadors for women’s empowerment in the sport, working closely with female fighters to promote their achievements and support their journeys. This would not only elevate the role of the Octagon Girls but also inspire more women to pursue careers in combat sports.

Ultimately, the future of the Octagon Girls in the UFC looks promising. With their unique blend of beauty, talent, and passion for MMA, they will continue to captivate audiences and enhance the overall experience of UFC events. As the UFC evolves, so too will the Octagon Girls, adapting to the changing landscape of the sport while remaining a beloved and integral part of the UFC family.

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