Measuring Resources Productivity


A Guide for Organizations


In today’s fast-paced business environment, tracking productivity is critical for organizations to maintain their competitiveness and achieve their goals. This article focuses on how to track the productivity of various types of resources within an organization, including healthcare leadership, business analyst, quality assurance, configuration, and automation resources.


The objective of this article is to provide organizations with a comprehensive overview of various methods that can be used to track the productivity of different types of resources. This information can help organizations to identify areas for improvement, allocate resources more effectively, and measure the success of their productivity initiatives.

General Productivity Tracking for a Domain — Samples


General Tracking productivity in healthcare can be done using various metrics and tools, including:

  1. Key performance indicators (KPIs): specific metrics such as patient satisfaction scores, wait times, readmission rates, and treatment outcomes.
  2. Time and attendance tracking: monitoring the amount of time employees spend on various tasks, including patient care and administrative duties.
  3. Electronic health records (EHRs): utilizing the data collected through EHRs to measure the efficiency of care delivery and make data-driven decisions.
  4. Cost analysis: tracking the costs associated with providing care, including labor, supplies, and other expenses.
  5. Process improvement tools: using methods such as Lean or Six Sigma to identify and eliminate inefficiencies in care delivery processes.

It’s important to regularly review and analyze these metrics to gain insights into areas for General Tracking productivity in Financial Services & Advertising, Agriculture and Manufacturing

Financial Services, Advertising, Agriculture, and Manufacturing Domains

To track the productivity in Financial Services, Advertising, Agriculture, and Manufacturing, you can use the following methods:

Financial Services:

  1. Sales tracking: monitor the number of sales made and the revenue generated to evaluate the performance of financial services professionals.
  2. Customer satisfaction survey: gather feedback from customers on the quality of service provided and use this information to measure the effectiveness of the financial services professionals.
  3. Key performance indicators (KPIs): establish specific metrics, such as the number of sales, revenue generated, and customer satisfaction rate, to evaluate the productivity of the financial services professionals.


  1. Campaign performance tracking: monitor the performance of advertising campaigns to evaluate the effectiveness of the advertising professionals.
  2. Feedback from clients: gather feedback from clients on the quality of advertising services and use this information to measure the effectiveness of the advertising professionals.
  3. Key performance indicators (KPIs): establish specific metrics, such as the number of campaigns, campaign performance, and client satisfaction rate, to evaluate the productivity of the advertising professionals.


  1. Crop performance tracking: monitor the performance of crops to evaluate the effectiveness of the agricultural professionals.
  2. Feedback from clients: gather feedback from clients on the quality of agricultural services and use this information to measure the effectiveness of the agricultural professionals.
  3. Key performance indicators (KPIs): establish specific metrics, such as the crop performance, yield, and client satisfaction rate, to evaluate the productivity of the agricultural professionals.


  1. Production tracking: monitor the production process and the number of products manufactured to evaluate the performance of the manufacturing professionals.
  2. Feedback from clients: gather feedback from clients on the quality of the manufactured products and use this information to measure the effectiveness of the manufacturing professionals.
  3. Key performance indicators (KPIs): establish specific metrics, such as the number of products manufactured, production efficiency, and client satisfaction rate, to evaluate the productivity of the manufacturing professionals.

It’s important to regularly review and analyze these metrics to gain insights into areas for improvement and track progress over time. You may also want to consider setting goals and creating action plans to address any productivity challenges and support the ongoing development of your resources in these industries to improvement and track progress over time.

Sample of a few groups for tracking

Tracking Banker Resources

To track the productivity of banker resources, you can use the following methods:

  1. Sales tracking: monitor the number of new accounts opened, the value of loans processed, and the amount of deposits generated to measure the effectiveness of the banker’s sales efforts.
  2. Time tracking: monitor the amount of time spent on each task or project to identify areas for improvement and allocate resources more effectively.
  3. Customer satisfaction survey: gather feedback from clients on the quality of service provided by the banker and use this information to measure their effectiveness in meeting customer needs.
  4. Key performance indicators (KPIs): establish specific metrics, such as the number of new accounts opened, the value of loans processed, the amount of deposits generated, and the customer satisfaction rate, to evaluate the productivity of the banker.
  5. Team performance: track the performance of the entire banking team to identify areas for improvement and allocate resources more effectively.

It’s important to regularly review and analyze these metrics to gain insights into areas for improvement and track progress over time. You may also want to consider setting goals and creating action plans to address any productivity challenges and support the ongoing development of your banker resources.

Tracking Productivity of Sales resources

To track the productivity of sales resources, you can use the following methods:

  1. Sales tracking: monitor the number of sales made, the value of each sale, and the conversion rate to measure the effectiveness of the salesperson’s efforts.
  2. Time tracking: monitor the amount of time spent on each task or project to identify areas for improvement and allocate resources more effectively.
  3. Customer satisfaction survey: gather feedback from clients on the quality of service provided by the salesperson and use this information to measure their effectiveness in meeting customer needs.
  4. Key performance indicators (KPIs): establish specific metrics, such as the number of sales made, the value of each sale, the conversion rate, and the customer satisfaction rate, to evaluate the productivity of the salesperson.
  5. Team performance: track the performance of the entire sales team to identify areas for improvement and allocate resources more effectively.

It’s important to regularly review and analyze these metrics to gain insights into areas for improvement and track progress over time. You may also want to consider setting goals and creating action plans to address any productivity challenges and support the ongoing development of your sales resources.

To Track Productivity of Developer resources

To track the productivity of developer resources, you can use the following methods:

  1. Code tracking: monitor the number of lines of code written, the number of bugs fixed, and the number of features added to measure the effectiveness of the developer’s work.
  2. Time tracking: monitor the amount of time spent on each task or project to identify areas for improvement and allocate resources more effectively.
  3. Code review: conduct regular code reviews to identify areas for improvement and measure the quality of the developer’s work.
  4. Feedback from stakeholders: gather feedback from clients, project managers, and other stakeholders on the quality and effectiveness of the developer’s work.
  5. Key performance indicators (KPIs): establish specific metrics, such as the number of lines of code written, the number of bugs fixed, the number of features added, and the time spent on each task or project, to evaluate the productivity of the developer.

It’s important to regularly review and analyze these metrics to gain insights into areas for improvement and track progress over time. You may also want to consider setting goals and creating action plans to address any productivity challenges and support the ongoing development of your developer resources.

Tracking Productivity For Nurse Resources

To track the productivity of nurse resources, you can use the following methods:

  1. Patient care tracking: monitor the number of patients seen, the length of time spent with each patient, and the number of procedures performed to measure the effectiveness of the nurse’s work.
  2. Time tracking: monitor the amount of time spent on each task or project to identify areas for improvement and allocate resources more effectively.
  3. Patient satisfaction survey: gather feedback from patients on the quality of care provided by the nurse and use this information to measure their effectiveness in meeting patient needs.
  4. Key performance indicators (KPIs): establish specific metrics, such as the number of patients seen, the length of time spent with each patient, the number of procedures performed, and the patient satisfaction rate, to evaluate the productivity of the nurse.
  5. Team performance: track the performance of the entire nursing team to identify areas for improvement and allocate resources more effectively.

It’s important to regularly review and analyze these metrics to gain insights into areas for improvement and track progress over time. You may also want to consider setting goals and creating action plans to address any productivity challenges and support the ongoing development of your nurse resources.

Tracking Productivity For Teacher

To track the productivity of teacher resources, you can use the following methods:

  1. Student performance tracking: monitor the academic performance of students to measure the effectiveness of the teacher’s instructional methods.
  2. Classroom observation: conduct regular observations of the teacher’s classroom management, instructional strategies, and interactions with students.
  3. Feedback from students: gather feedback from students on the quality of instruction and use this information to measure the effectiveness of the teacher’s work.
  4. Key performance indicators (KPIs): establish specific metrics, such as student test scores, attendance rates, and behavior reports, to evaluate the productivity of the teacher.
  5. Professional development tracking: monitor the teacher’s participation in professional development opportunities to support their growth and improve their instructional skills.

It’s important to regularly review and analyze these metrics to gain insights into areas for improvement and track progress over time. You may also want to consider setting goals and creating action plans to address any productivity challenges and support the ongoing development of your teacher resources.

Tracking Productivity For Home-Stay Mothers or fathers

To track the productivity of stay-at-home mothers or fathers, you can use the following methods:

  1. Time tracking: monitor the amount of time spent on each task or project, such as household chores, child care, and personal activities, to identify areas for improvement and allocate resources more effectively.
  2. Task prioritization: prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency to ensure that essential responsibilities are being taken care of first.
  3. Budget tracking: monitor household expenses to ensure that resources are being used effectively and efficiently.
  4. Self-reflection: regularly reflect on personal goals and priorities to ensure that time and resources are being used in line with one’s values and priorities.
  5. Feedback from family members: gather feedback from family members on the quality and effectiveness of one’s work to identify areas for improvement.

It’s important to regularly review and analyze these metrics to gain insights into areas for improvement and track progress over time. You may also want to consider setting goals and creating action plans to address any productivity challenges and support the ongoing development of your stay-at-home parent resources.

How to track Business Analyst resources productivity we use the following methods:

  1. Time tracking: monitor the amount of time spent on each project and task to identify areas for improvement and allocate resources more effectively.
  2. Task completion rate: measure the number of tasks completed within a specified time frame and compare it to the target rate to determine productivity levels.
  3. Project milestones: track progress against specific milestones to measure the effectiveness of the business analyst’s contribution to the project.
  4. Feedback from stakeholders: I gather feedback from clients, team members, and other stakeholders to assess the quality of work and the impact of the business analyst’s efforts on the project.
  5. Key performance indicators (KPIs): establish specific metrics, such as the number of requirements gathered, the number of use cases created, and the number of process improvements made, to evaluate the productivity of the business analyst.

It’s essential to regularly review and analyze these metrics to gain insights into areas for improvement and track progress over time. Consider setting goals and creating action plans to address any productivity challenges and support the ongoing development of your business analyst resources.

Track Quality Assurance resources productivity:

To track the productivity of Quality Assurance (QA) resources,

  1. Test case completion rate: measure the number of test cases completed within a specified time frame and compare it to the target rate to determine productivity levels.
  2. Defect detection rate: track the number of defects found per unit of time or per number of lines of code to measure the efficiency of the QA team in detecting software bugs.
  3. Time tracking: monitor the amount of time spent on each task, project, or bug investigation to identify areas for improvement and allocate resources more effectively.
  4. Feedback from developers: gather feedback from developers on the effectiveness of the QA team’s bug reports and suggestions for improvement.
  5. Key performance indicators (KPIs): establish specific metrics, such as the number of bugs found and fixed, the number of test cases written and executed, and the overall quality of the software products being tested, to evaluate the productivity of the QA team.

It’s important to regularly review and analyze these metrics to gain insights into areas for improvement and track progress over time. You may also want to consider setting goals and creating action plans to address any productivity challenges and support the ongoing development of your QA resources.

Tacking Productivity for System Configuration or Change management resources.

To track the productivity of configuration management resources, you can use the following methods:

  1. Time tracking: monitor the amount of time spent on each task or project to identify areas for improvement and allocate resources more effectively.
  2. Task completion rate: measure the number of tasks completed within a specified time frame and compare it to the target rate to determine productivity levels.
  3. Configuration item (CI) tracking: track the number of CIs processed, the number of changes made, and the time it takes to complete each change request to measure the efficiency of the configuration management process.
  4. Feedback from stakeholders: gather feedback from clients, project managers, and other stakeholders on the quality and effectiveness of the configuration management process.
  5. Key performance indicators (KPIs): establish specific metrics, such as the number of configuration items managed, the average time to complete a change request, and the accuracy of the configuration data, to evaluate the productivity of the configuration management team.

It’s important to regularly review and analyze these metrics to gain insights into areas for improvement and track progress over time. You may also want to consider setting goals and creating action plans to address any productivity challenges and support the ongoing development of your configuration management resources.

Tracking Automation Engineering resources

To track the productivity of automation resources, you can use the following methods:

  1. Time tracking: monitor the amount of time spent on each task or project to identify areas for improvement and allocate resources more effectively.
  2. Task completion rate: measure the number of tasks completed within a specified time frame and compare it to the target rate to determine productivity levels.
  3. Automation script utilization: track the number of automation scripts executed, the number of scripts reused, and the time saved through automation to measure the efficiency of the automation process.
  4. Feedback from stakeholders: gather feedback from clients, project managers, and other stakeholders on the quality and effectiveness of the automation process.
  5. Key performance indicators (KPIs): establish specific metrics, such as the number of automation scripts developed, the percentage of manual tasks automated, and the average time savings per automation script, to evaluate the productivity of the automation team.

It’s important to regularly review and analyze these metrics to gain insights into areas for improvement and track progress over time. You may also want to consider setting goals and creating action plans to address any productivity challenges and support the ongoing development of your automation resources.

Summary/ Conclusion

To track the productivity of different types of resources, including developer resources, nurse resources, teacher resources, and stay-at-home parent resources, it’s important to regularly review and analyze metrics that are relevant to their specific roles. Some common methods for tracking productivity include time tracking, monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs), conducting regular observations, gathering feedback, and reflecting on personal goals and priorities. By regularly reviewing and analyzing these metrics, you can gain insights into areas for improve the metric process above.

**** Look out to the Article with simple metrics samples and what tools to use.

#productivitytracking #organizationalsuccess #employeeperformance



Sophia Lyimo - Author | Leader | Coach | Mentor

Accomplished leader of BA & tech enthusiast W/decade of experience in leverage emerging tech for Bus growth. W/a MA in BA in Tech Mgt and a BS Computer Science.