Dynamic Object Mapping in SQLAlchemy for Multitenancy

Ketan Somvanshi
5 min readJun 7, 2023


Before diving into dynamic object mapping, let’s briefly understand the concept of object mapping and the role of SQLAlchemy.

What is Object Mapping? —

Object Mapping is a technique used to bridge the gap between the object-oriented world of programming and the relational world of databases. It allows developers to work with database entities as if they were regular Python objects, abstracting away the underlying database structure and providing a more intuitive and convenient way to interact with data.

SQLAlchemy: A Python ORM —

SQLAlchemy is a powerful and widely used Python ORM that provides a high-level interface for interacting with databases. It simplifies database operations by allowing developers to define database models as Python classes and perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using object-oriented syntax.

Dynamic Object Mapping in SQLAlchemy —

Dynamic object mapping refers to the ability to map different database tables to the same object dynamically at runtime. This is particularly useful when dealing with multitenant applications, where each tenant has its own separate tables but requires the same set of operations and object representation.

In SQLAlchemy, we can achieve dynamic object mapping by dynamically creating classes that represent the database tables. By customizing certain attributes of the class, such as __tablename__, __mapper_args__, and __table_args__, we can ensure that each instance of the class is associated with the appropriate table and that the table definitions can coexist harmoniously.

Let’s take a look at an example implementation of dynamic object mapping in SQLAlchemy:

# Define the base class for the object
class DB:
# Common columns and methods can be defined here# Define the function to build the object model dynamically
def build_case_model(table_name):
class Case(DB):
__tablename__ = table_name
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': table_name, 'concrete': True}
__table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}

# Define the columns specific to the Case object
# ...
# Define any additional methods or customizations
return Case

In the above code snippet, we define a function build_case_model that takes a table_name parameter. This function dynamically creates a class Case that inherits from a base class DB. The table_name parameter is used to set the __tablename__ attribute of the class, ensuring that each instance of the Case class is associated with the corresponding table in the database.

The __mapper_args__ attribute is used to specify the polymorphic identity of the class, allowing SQLAlchemy to map different tables to the same object. The polymorphic_identity argument is set to table_name, ensuring that each dynamically created class is correctly associated with its corresponding table.

Additionally, we set the concrete argument to True, which means that the class is concrete and can be instantiated. This is necessary for dynamic object mapping, as it allows us to create instances of the dynamically generated class.

The __table_args__ attribute is set to allow extending existing table definitions, ensuring compatibility with other mappings. We use the extend_existing argument and set it to True, indicating that the table definition should be extended if it already exists. This is useful when multiple mappings are created for the same table, as it allows SQLAlchemy to merge the definitions and avoid conflicts.

Once the Case class is dynamically created using the build_case_model function, you can use it to perform various operations on the corresponding database table.

Handling Multitenancy with Dynamic Object Mapping —

Multitenancy is a software architecture approach that allows a single instance of an application to serve multiple clients or tenants. Each client or tenant operates in isolation, unaware of the existence of other clients, and perceives the application as being dedicated solely to them. In other words, it’s a way to share software resources and infrastructure among multiple users while maintaining data separation and privacy.Multitenent systems can share database in following possible ways -

Multi-tenant Systems Sharing DB

In a multitenant environment with shared databases, where each tenant has its own separate tables either in different schemas or in a shared schema, dynamic object mapping can be leveraged to handle multitenancy efficiently. By dynamically creating classes for each tenant-specific table, we can ensure that the same object representation is used for all tenants while maintaining isolation and data separation.

To handle multitenancy, we can introduce an additional layer called a “Registry Proxy.” This proxy acts as a cache and optimization mechanism, storing the dynamically created classes for reuse. Here’s an example implementation of a RegistryProxy class:

pythclass RegistryProxy:
__registry_store = {}

def get_mapped_case_model_for_tenant(cls, tenant_id: int):
table_name = f"{tenant_id}_case"
mapped_instance = cls.__registry_store.get(table_name)
if mapped_instance:
return mapped_instance
mapped_instance = build_case_model(table_name)
cls.__registry_store[table_name] = mapped_instance
return mapped_instance
except Exception as e:
return None

In the RegistryProxy class, we maintain a __registry_store dictionary as a cache to store the dynamically created classes. When get_mapped_case_model_for_tenant is called, the proxy checks if the class for the specified tenant ID exists in the cache. If it does, it returns the cached class; otherwise, it creates a new class using the build_case_model function, caches it, and returns the new class.

By utilizing the RegistryProxy, we can avoid unnecessary class creation for each tenant and improve performance by reusing the existing dynamically created classes.

Implementing a Registry Proxy for Optimization —

To optimize the dynamic object mapping process and reduce the overhead of class creation, we introduced the RegistryProxy. This proxy acts as a cache for the dynamically created classes, ensuring that the same class is reused for the same table,thus improving performance.

Here’s the updated build_case_model function that incorporates the RegistryProxy:

# Import the RegistryProxy class
from registry_proxy import RegistryProxy
# Define the function to build the object model dynamically
def build_case_model(table_name):
# Get the mapped instance from the RegistryProxy
mapped_instance = RegistryProxy.get_mapped_case_model_for_tenant(table_name)
if mapped_instance:
return mapped_instance

# Create the class dynamically
class Case(DB):
__tablename__ = table_name
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': table_name, 'concrete': True}
__table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}

# Define the columns specific to the Case object
# ...
# Define any additional methods or customizations
# Cache the dynamically created class in the RegistryProxy
RegistryProxy.add_mapped_case_model_for_tenant(table_name, Case)
return Case

In the updated code, we first check if the mapped instance for the given table name exists in the RegistryProxy. If it does, we return the cached class. Otherwise, we proceed with the class creation as before, but now we also cache the dynamically created class using the RegistryProxy.

By utilizing the RegistryProxy, we minimize the overhead of class creation for each tenant, improve performance, and ensure consistency in object representation across tenants.

Conclusion —

Dynamic object mapping is a powerful feature provided by SQLAlchemy that enables developers to map different database tables to the same object dynamically at runtime. This approach is particularly useful in multitenant applications where different tenants require the same functionality and object representation but have their own separate tables.

In this blog post, we explored the concept of dynamic object mapping in SQLAlchemy and its benefits for multitenancy. We saw how to create dynamic classes using the build_case_model function and customize attributes like __tablename__, __mapper_args__, and __table_args__ to achieve proper object mapping.

Additionally, we discussed the implementation of a RegistryProxy for optimization, which acts as a cache for dynamically created classes, reducing overhead and improving performance in multitenant scenarios.

By leveraging dynamic object mapping and the Registry Proxy, developers can efficiently handle multitenancy in complex applications and ensure a flexible and scalable architecture.

I hope this blog post has provided valuable insights into dynamic object mapping in SQLAlchemy for multitenancy scenarios.

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