From Novices to Cloud Titans🌩: Our Journey to Tier-1 & top 10 Status among Google Developer Students Clubs

7 min readNov 2, 2023



Imagine embarking on a journey filled with determination, hard work, and relentless pursuit of knowledge. Picture yourself in a scenario where you’re not just a participant but a frontrunner in a community-driven program, and you’ve successfully reached the coveted Tier-1✨ status & top 10 among the Google Developer Student Clubs(GDSC) through the Google Cloud Study Jams program 2023☁️. This is the cloud story of how one group of individuals, passionate about cloud technology, conducted events to explain cloud concepts, and achieved a remarkable milestone, securing a spot in the top 🔟among GDSCs in India.

Reaching Tier-1 status in the Pragati GDSC through the Google Cloud Study Jams program was not just an achievement for us but a remarkable journey that transformed our understanding of cloud technology and community engagement. In this blog, we’ll take you through the story of how a group of enthusiastic students conducted events to explain cloud concepts and proudly secured a place among the top 10 GDSCs in India.

What is GDSC and Google Cloud Study Jams Program 2023

The Google Developer Student Clubs, is a platform for students to explore and develop their technical skills🧑‍💻, and the Google Cloud Study Jams program is a significant part of this endeavor. It provides students with a unique opportunity to dive into the world of cloud computing and gain expertise in Google Cloud technologies.

Initial Thoughts 💭💭: As this is the 1st GDSC event that is going to be conducted under GDSC we were very excited to take part in this program and take a deep dive into the Google Cloud Study Jams…Being a Facilitator for this program its also my responsibility to gather curious participants and onboard them into the Cloud Journey.

Google Cloud Study Jams 2023

Setting the Stage: Conducting Educational Events .
To achieve Tier-1 status, it takes more than just attending sessions and completing assignments. It requires a collaborative effort and a shared passion for knowledge-sharing. The team behind this success story organized a series of educational events to explain cloud concepts to their peers and fellow students. These events played a pivotal role in their journey to the top.

Cloud campaigning Workshop: Our journey began with the Cloud campaigning workshop ⚒️.At first we had made campaigning about the Google Cloud Study Jams Program to every section of interested students. Here, we introduced participants to the foundational principles of cloud computing, unraveling key concepts, and highlighting the real-world significance of cloud technologies .Finally shortlisted few students as the enrollments are limited.

Beginners Sessions : As many of the participants are new to this program .For the benefit of them, we had organized several offline and online sessions as well. Where we introduced them the basic GCP services👩‍💻 and basic ideology of the Google Cloud Study Jams Program and the pathways that are to be completed.

Online Sessions for the participants.

Hands-On Labs and Hackathons session -1: Knowledge is most profound when put into practice. We organized hands-on labs and hackathons to provide our peers with the chance to apply what they had learned. These activities fostered creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.

Recording of Session-1
Live interactive sessions for the participants.

Hands-On Labs and Hackathons session -1 : Here we had moved to the advanced concepts in Google cloud Study Jams program and involved some competitiveness by conducting online quizzes and awarding the top participants with cool schwags 🏆.

Recorded video session-2
Hands-on sessions along with quizzes.

Navigating Cloudy Skies: Overcoming Challenges on the Road to Google Cloud Study Jams Success and how we overcame them:

  • Even though we had planned everything a head but sometimes still there will be some hidden challenges that we need to overcome and improve.
  • At the very beginning as this program is new to every participant. They are much confused and they used to make calls and messages 24/7⌛.
  • Later we had managed and clarified all those doubts through a session. And shared them the updates through a Whatsapp community channel. So that they themselves could clarify each others queries.
  • To make them feel not bored we had conducted quizzes few times and awarded them with prizes to make them feel competitive.
  • Experience from the previous Google Cloud Arcade Facilitator Program (cohort-2):

Previously i had an experience as Google Cloud Arcade Facilitator 2023 cohort 2. Which helped a lot to us in conquering this amazing Tier-1 status. The keynotes form that program made us reaching this milestone. Even in GCAF program we had reached the Ultimate Milestone. Here you can see the stats about it..where we had guided almost 800+ students and made them to complete 5000+ lab completions.

Google Cloud Arcade Facilitator 2023 program Statistics.

Reaping the Rewards🎗️: Achieving Tier-1 Status🏆

Our dedication paid off as we diligently completed assignments, engaged in discussions, and actively participated in the Google Cloud Study Jams program. Achieving Tier-1 status was a milestone, and it fueled our desire to excel.

A Place in the Top 🔟

But we didn’t stop there. Our relentless pursuit of knowledge and commitment to community engagement earned us a spot among the top 10 GDSCs in India. This accomplishment exemplifies the positive influence of our educational events on our peers and the broader GDSC community. Here are our program metrics..

Google Cloud Study Jams 2023 Statistics.


Our journey from novices to Tier-1 status holders in Pragati GDSC is a testament to the potency of student-driven initiatives and the transformative effect of community-based learning. We demonstrated the potential of youth-led movements and their ability to nurture an empowered generation, well-equipped to navigate the ever-evolving tech⚙️ landscape. So nothing is impossible if you have a strong will power and determination.

Interaction and demo sessions

As long we have such great community like Google Developer Student Clubs where there is an encouragement to the potential people to make them great innovators in tech industry and upskill themselves in their carrier, in the way make others learn too. So take a step to join in such great communities like GDSC’s and enhance your knowledge and get connected to the minded people😊.

Our story is a source of motivation for those who dream of distinction in their chosen fields. It underscores the incredible outcomes achievable through collaboration, persistence, and a shared enthusiasm for learning. The path may be challenging, but with dedication and a thirst for knowledge, anyone can reach new heights😊.

Thanks for reading…

Google Developers Google Google Google Developer Student Club, IIT Hyderabad #Google Cloud #GCP #Cloud Computing #GDSC Pragati Engineeirng College #GoogleCloudStudyJams #GoogleCloudReady #GoogleCloudReady Akshit Jain Romin Irani Sundar Pichai

