What is Gluten-Free Cereal and Can It Be Tasty? Magic Spoon Says Yes!

James Billard
5 min readMar 31, 2020


Most cereals are catered towards kids, but Magic Spoon is offering a delicious gluten-free cereal option geared towards adults. It’s high in protein, low in carbs and calories and utterly delectable!

The cereal is both keto-friendly and non-GMO, and it’s free from all gluten, grain, wheat, soy, and artificial sweeteners. Instead, it gets its yummy taste from a natural sweetener called allulose, which is found in figs and maple syrup and has absolutely no glycemic impact.

Magic Spoon’s keto cereal is available in a variety of different packages, including a variety pack of 12 single-serving boxes for $29, a four-pack variety box for $39, a four-pack of an individual flavor for $39 and a monthly subscription of the four-pack for $35 a month.

What is gluten-free cereal exactly?

What makes a cereal gluten-free? Gluten is a protein found in grains like wheat, barley, and rye. However, there are many grains, including rice, quinoa, corn, oats, and sorghum, that are naturally free of gluten. If you consume a cereal made from any of these grains, it is probably gluten-free. But it is important to be cautious, especially if you are sensitive to gluten!

Gluten is extremely prone to cross-contamination, and if you have a chronic illness, like celiac disease, that makes you sensitive or intolerant to gluten, then you should not eat anything that comes into contact with a product containing gluten, which actually happens pretty often!

Cross-contamination can actually start in the field where farmers grow what and oats. Many farmers use the same machinery for both crops, causing products to sift into each other during harvest, transport or the milling process. In these cases, gluten-free oats are contaminated with wheat that contains gluten. So make sure to read your labels before consuming anything that claims to be gluten-free!

About 1 percent of the United States population has celiac disease, which is an autoimmune disease in which those affected cannot eat gluten, because it damages the small intestine. That’s more than three million people! When people with celiac disease consume food with gluten, their immune system actually responds by damaging the small intestine, so it is very important that people with celiac disease avoid eating anything with gluten.

Celiac disease affects every sufferer differently, but most symptoms typically appear in the digestive system. Sufferers typically experience diarrhea and abdominal pain. However, some symptoms appear in other parts of the body. For example, some people with celiac disease experience irritability and depression. Some people actually have no symptoms at all.

Celiac disease is typically genetic. People with a first-degree relative, including parents, children, and siblings, with celiac disease, tend to have a one-in-10 risk of developing the autoimmune disease. Your doctor can diagnose the disease with blood tests if you suspect that you have the autoimmune disease. In some cases, your doctor may need to take a small piece of tissue from your small intestine to diagnose you. Your doctor will typically prescribe a gluten-free diet to treat the autoimmune disease.

People with celiac disease have some long-term health effects, including a greater risk of coronary artery disease and small bowel cancers. If untreated, celiac disease can lead to other autoimmune diseases, including Type I diabetes and multiple sclerosis, as well as conditions like dermatitis herpetiformis, anemia, osteoporosis, infertility, miscarriage, epilepsy, migraines, heart disease, and intestinal cancers.

Even consuming small amounts of gluten, like a crumb from the toaster, can trigger small intestine damage, so it is crucial that you take care to avoid gluten if you have celiac disease.

Even if you don’t have celiac disease, eating a gluten-free diet can have some great health benefits for you, including:

● Improving your cholesterol levels

● Promoting your digestive health

● Increasing your energy levels

● Reducing and even eliminating processed and unhealthy foods from your diet, including oils, fried food, bread and desserts containing gluten

● Reducing your risk of heart disease, cancers, diabetes, and other conditions

● Helping reduce the risk of viruses and other illnesses, since many foods you consume will contain more antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals than foods containing gluten

● Promoting a healthy weight loss

● Improving the health of people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and arthritis

● Improving your awareness of foods that can have a negative effect on your health

● You are more likely to eat healthy fruit and vegetables because they are all free of gluten

Many gluten-free kinds of cereal are good for you but don’t taste great. That’s why gluten-free cereals that actually taste good are so important! That’s where Magic Spoon comes into play.

What is Magic Spoon?

Magic Spoon is a fast-growing cereal brand that launched back in April 2018. The brand prides itself on specializing in a healthy cereal that tastes great for adults. It’s high in protein, keto-friendly, non-GMO and free of gluten, grain, soy, wheat, and all artificial sweeteners. It has a whopping 12 grams of protein and only three grams of net carbs in each serving.

Magic Spoon boasts four delicious cereal flavors, including Frosted, Cocoa, Cinnamon and Fruity. The cereal’s delectable taste is amazing for a gluten-free cereal with no artificial sweeteners. How exactly does the cereal taste so great with no artificial sweeteners, 12 grams of protein, no gluten and little to no net carbs? The secret ingredient is a fairly new-to-market natural sweetener called allulose.

What is allulose?

Allulose is a pretty new sweetener on the market. It has the taste and texture of sugar with minimal calories and carbs and some health benefits. Also known as D-psicose, allulose is known as a rare sugar, because it’s only naturally present in a few foods, including wheat, figs, and raisins.

Similar to glucose and fructose, allulose is a monosaccharide or single sugar. It actually has the same chemical formula as fructose, but it is arranged differently. It resists fermentation by your gut bacteria, which minimizes the risk of bloating, gas and other digestive issues. It also doesn’t raise your blood sugar or insulin levels, which is great news for people with diabetes.

Early research shows that allulose could have anti-inflammatory properties and can help prevent obesity and decrease the risk of chronic illness. The taste and texture is very similar to table sugar. In fact, it is said to be about 70 percent as sweet as sugar, while providing some great health benefits.

Other ingredients

In addition to allulose, Magic Spoon cereal uses other natural sweeteners like monk fruit and stevia. Monk fruit and stevia are already fairly widely used across the natural health food space.

Each serving of Magic Spoon cereal boasts a whole 12 grams of protein, which is about twice the amount of protein found in one egg. This protein helps keep customers full longer, helps them sustain their energy throughout the day and reduces cravings.

Magic Spoon cereal boxes are also super cute and well designed. There are even puzzles on the backs of the boxes! Each box has a cute maze puzzle on the back. Even if you’re not on a keto diet or watching your blood sugar, grab a box of Magic Spoon cereal. It tastes delicious and it’s good for you too!

