9 of the Greatest Bible Scriptures About Family

Here are nine of the most inspiring and uplifting Bible passages about family.

Demetrius Pearson
6 min readNov 13, 2022
Photo by
Mikhail Nilov on Pexels

While many people are familiar with the Bible’s accounts of great floods, famines, plagues, and other disasters — not to mention its many references to sex and violence — fewer know that it’s got some pretty great stuff about family as well.

The Book of Psalms is often considered the “songbook” of faith; it’s full of poetry praising God and His works. But it also contains some beautiful words about family life.

1 Corinthians 15:33

The Bible is the most famous and influential book in the world. More than any other collection of writings, it has shaped Western society and culture.

In fact, the Bible has been used by Christians throughout history to shape their understanding of God and his plan for humanity.

It’s also been used as an educational tool; people have studied its pages for centuries just to learn more about what it means to be human, how we should treat others, or how we should live our lives.

The Bible contains 66 books — the New Testament has 27 books while the Old Testament contains 39 books (including some found only in Protestant Bibles).



Demetrius Pearson

I’m no one special, just an ordinary man that seeks extraordinary wisdom.