Pregnant Dogs Shaking: A Possible Cause of It

Hey there, fellow dog owner! If you’re reading this, chances are that your pregnant pooch is shaking and you’re wondering what’s going on. Don’t worry, it’s a common occurrence during pregnancy.

Demetrius Pearson
5 min readMay 18, 2023
Photo by benjamin lehman on Unsplash

If you’re a dog owner, chances are that at some point or another, your dog has shaken. I know mine has. We usually attribute this to the fact that dogs are cold or excited, but it turns out there’s much more to it than that.

In fact, if your pregnant dog is shaking (which she probably will be), there could be several reasons why! So let’s get into it.

It’s common for dogs to shake when they’re scared, nervous or excited.

Shaking is a way for dogs to show they’re afraid. If you see your dog shaking and they aren’t cold, this could mean that they are scared of something in their environment (like another animal).

Shaking is also a way for dogs to show they’re nervous or excited about something new in their lives, such as going on walks with you or meeting new people at the park.

In this case, it would be best not too touch them until they calm down so as not to make things worse…



Demetrius Pearson

I’m no one special, just an ordinary man that seeks extraordinary wisdom.