Kevin Henneborn
2 min readFeb 27, 2018


Would Steve Jobs Approve of the iPad Pro?

When Steve Jobs introduced the iPad on April 3rd 2010, after the product launch, he advised that his children were not allowed to have an iPad. Why?

Steve’s answer, although he is the father of the product, saw no need for his children to have one since they each had an iPhone and a Mac. Steve himself declared that the iPad wasn’t an item for children, and wanted them to grow up on a more live social scale, rather than a digital scale. As a person of reasoning, I can understand his decision.

But in 2016 the iPad Pro came into the picture, and we see Apple commercials today in 2018 with a child carrying their iPad Pro around with them — everywhere. They seem to be doing everything from taking pictures with it to writing a report for school. Finally at the end of the commercial, a woman asks, “What are you doing on your computer?” And the child responses, “What’s a computer?”.

So what happened here? Steve Jobs said that the iPad was not suitable for his own children, but here is Apple after the late Steve Jobs turns his passion over to Tim Cook, advertising the iPad Pro with the main character as a child.


The iPad was basically an enlarged iPhone and e-Reader when it was first introduced. It really didn’t have the capabilities and speed that it has today and Apple even claims that it can replace a laptop, which with the App Store and it’s overwhelming number of apps, like Microsoft Office, you can really run your day from an iPad Pro.

I am using it right now and I have since 5am this morning.

So would Steve Jobs allow his kids to have an iPad Pro today in comparison to Apple’s original iPad from 2010?




Kevin Henneborn

Writer on my personal site, my retail store and admin / design virtual assistant services at