Internship Experience at HARA Token

Kevianda Kamarullah
4 min readSep 25, 2018


Taking a Master Degree in January have a lot of pros and cons. January intake means you have to spend 1.5 years study program compare to September intake which is only a 1-year program. During the summer break (June-September), I travelled back to Jakarta, Indonesia for a holiday as well as looking for the summer internship program. After spending a few weeks searching, One of my high school friends said that she was an intern at one of the data analytics startup company in Jakarta called Dattabot. The following day, I sent an application email to the HR team for being an intern as a data analyst. After several recruitment stages, I finally got a chance to intern at Dattabot and joining a Blockchain Developer Team.

I was unsure of being in a developer team as I have a small experience in coding. I asked my mentor here and He said that I would focus on code documentation and will spend the least amount on exactly code. Suddenly, I was thinking how on earth I could develop my analyst skill by joining the developer team and not directly involve without to code anything. However, this is actually the best part of my two months internship. I was surprised and intrigued because not focusing on a single task, I can see the whole systems from a different point of view. I had a chance to explore tiny bit bop about blockchain in many perspectives. Also, I got to learn how every member of my team was working on their task using different software tools that I never used or heard before. When we had a meeting, I always listened and wrote a note about any new terms so that I could google it to understand it intensely later on. Also, I’d like to ask a lot of questions to my mentor. Fortunately, he was willing to give the answers with a clear explanation.

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Talking about HARA, HARA is the first project using blockchain for social impact in Indonesia by creating a blockchain-based decentralised data exchange platform focusing on the agriculture sector. Being in a tropical season country, Indonesia has the significant potential in an agriculture sector. This is to brings data equality to all participants with the incentivises, so they continuously use this platform. The primary goal basically is to help people, to make better decisions and improve their livelihood.

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On 16 August 2018 HARA was making history. We invented the first ever blockchain hub in Indonesia. Surprisingly, I had a chance to help HARA creating this event. I met a lot of blockchain enthusiast during this event, especially to be able to meet Oscar Darmawan which is known as the CEO of Bitcoin Indonesia. This was basically an amazing and unforgettable experience to involve directly creating history creating the first ever blockchain hub in Indonesia. Furthermore, I got to know any member of HARA Token staff from any division besides engineering such as marketing, business development, legal & compliance, etc. Merely to involve on a one-day big event, I could make a lot of new friends that is something essential for networking purposes.

Dattabot as a startup company is a delightful place not just to work, but to learn as well. The blockchain developer team is adapting agile scrum development. Every day we have a daily report at 13.00 to report our daily progress. Every two weeks, we had a sprint retro for reviewing our task and planning for the next two weeks work. They also have flexible office hours meaning that we can come to the office at any time every day. Though, usually, I still come between 9–10 am in the morning :).

Lastly, this is a stepstone for me as I still have one year ahead of my postgraduate degree in the UK. Later on, I might want to research deeper about blockchain as my thesis project because there are still many things that interest me to know more about blockchain especially its implementation to another sector such as healthcare, supply chain. Though, It is also fascinating to research blockchain and implementation relates to information systems management.

Some of the HARA Token Squad!

I would like to say thank you to Dattabot and HARA to give me an enjoyable 2 months internship experience. Also, special thanks to the blockchain developer team to taught me during my internship program.


