Veneers Corrects Shape, Color, and Length Etc of the Teeth

2 min readMar 24, 2017


In this modern world, six people out of ten are affected by dental problems, the reason behind is bad eating habits, irregular brushing or floss, improper cleaning of teeths etc. Even the small kids are also affected by teeth problems, in fact, they are mostly affected because of the excessive eating of chocolates and toffees.

ABC Dental Care is the right and successful path for you if you are affected by the dental problems and all the dental procedures are held at ABC Dental Care. Doctor Kevin Khorshid is the stellar dentist at the dental care who is famed because of his dentistry and he is renowned as the best dentist in Las Vegas. In this article Dental Bonding and Dental Veneers are discussed.


Porcelain Veneers are also called dental veneers are the shells that are bonded or pasted on the front surface of the tooth or teeth to improve the appearance of the teeth. Dental Veneers Las Vegas is famous treatment at ABC Dental Care because they will remove the issues about the shape, size, color, and length etc of the teeth. Dental Veneers are the important dentistry procedure which is widely used in the world however they do not correct any dental problem generally and they are just for improving the appearance of the teeth and they are the vital cosmetic dentistry procedure.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is also a cosmetic procedure in which tooth-colored resin is applied on the affected teeth. The resin applied on the teeth is hardened by using some kind of lights to bond it with teeth. Dental Bonding Las Vegas is the process that is used for solving various imperfections and some of them are enlisted below

· to fill the cavities

· to repair the cracked and chipped teeth

· to give a perfect length to the teeth

· to give the good color to teeth and improve its appearance,

· Tooth bonding is also used to protect the decayed teeth from getting more rotted etc are the uses of dental bonding.


If you are in need of the dental bonding and dental veneers than you should visit at ABC Dental Care and you can also leave an online inquiry at the website of ABC Dental Care. You will get a painless and perfect dental treatment at our dental office.

