
I may have found myself being that guy.

Kevins are always crazy
6 min readNov 11, 2018
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

It happens, it sucks.

And more often than I’d like it too. I’m not one to care if people always like me or not, there’s not a person on this planet that’s universally liked. But no one should willingly allow themselves to be the guy or girl they wouldn’t want to talk to if they have the ability to do something about it. And when I notice that I may just be that guy it takes a bit of work on my part.

This work initially manifests in the form of self-reflection, the work load can grow, but typically that’s how it starts. These bouts of reflection are not always prompted by me though. Occasionally they’ll creep up when I least expect them. For example, I’ll shoot my mouth (or my words) off before thinking about it. And I try to the best of my ability to work on this when presented opportunities to do so, but it still happens from time to time.

So when I come across something like this post written by August Birch and my stomach starts to sink as I find myself drawing parallels between his examples and myself. It sucks.

But that’s ok. I can work with this.

Because it’s not entirely a bad thing. After all, it could be much worse. I could be the guy who doesn’t even realize these things. Sure it sucks finding myself in this…



Kevins are always crazy

I'm Just some dude who thinks deeply about life while picking up the pieces of my own.