Virginia Concealed Carry Permit

Kevin King
8 min readFeb 20, 2020


Is Virginia Concealed Carry Online legal?

We live where you may have unpredictable situations. Like somebody in your home may cause bodily injury or death to you. In Virginia Concealed Carry Permit is legal. The Virginia Laws allow you to protect yourself from the impendent use of force by the other individual. After concealed carry permit VA classes, you will be able legally to carry a weapon or other firearm.

Concealed Carry Permit in Virginia can get residents and non-residents. Virginia permit to carry requires to be at least 21 years old and firearms training course approved by the state.

Virginia Concealed Carry Permit — What is it?

Concealed Carry Permit VA allows carrying a weapon in public places in a concealed way. You don’t need to tell a person that you have any weapons. You need to check what concealed carry is allowed in VA and other states. Every state has its own rules what they consider as a weapon and require to have a CCW. When you have a CCW after VA concealed carry classes, you can use guns to protect yourself in the life-threating events.

For getting CCW, you need to take concealed carry class in VA or VA concealed carry online class. You need to show proof that you had a course on your qualifications to carry a weapon.

How to Get Concealed Carry Online?

Carry training resources allow you to take the Online Educational Course on how to firearm safety. After finishing the course, you can apply for Virginia Concealed Carry Permit with its Educational Certificate that you will get after graduating from the course. The state requires to show proof that you know how to carry a weapon for Virginia CCW.

Step 1. You complete the short instruction requirements in the video for free.

Step 2. You have to pass 12 questions with various choices to get the Certification Test.

Step 3. You download your Certificate of Completion.

Step 4. You have to obtain your certification and do the final stages to secure your CCW Permit.

How To Get A Concealed Carry Permit In VA?

When you apply for concealed carry permit VA, you must provide certain documents:

  1. You must show proof that you’re 21 years old or older;
  2. You have to demonstrate your competence with a firearm through a graduating concealed carry course.

There are a lot of ways to show proof that you have finished the right firearms training.

  • You can complete any hunter education or hunter safety courses that accepted by the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries or any similar agency of another state;
  • You can graduate National Rifle Association firearms safety or training classes;
  • You can finish available courses about firearms safety or training classes for the public made by a law enforcement agency, college, any institution, organization.
  • Graduating handgun training school with certified trainers by the National Rifle Association or the Department of Criminal Justice Service.
  • Finalization of any law-enforcement handgun safety or training course or class suggested for security defenders, investigators, special agents, or any law enforcement division;
  • Show proof of your similar experience with a firearm via being a participant in shooting competition or current military service;
  • Or show evidence of an honorable discharge from any armed branch;
  • Show that you had a license to carry a firearm in the Commonwealth or a locality if it has been canceled for a cause;
  • Graduate concealed carry online classes conducted by a state-certified or National Rifle Association-certified handgun instructor;
  • Finish any government police agency handgun training course;
  • Qualify to carry a gun in the class of regular police duties;
  • Finishing any firearm training that the court considers adequate.

When you apply for Virginia CCW, you may show a photocopy of a certificate that proves your completion of any of the courses or concealed carry classes. Also, you may provide an affidavit from an instructor, school, or club, group, organization that led a weapon to carry courses by the applicant. You may show a copy of any docs that prove completion of the course or class about firearms, or if you were a participant in firearms competition will prove your qualification for CCW.

There are 19 reasons why you may be declined for a CCW in Virginia. You cannot get the concealed carry permit if you were:

  • A person that ineligible to have a firearm and was acquitted because of insanity;
  • A person who was incompetent to possess a weapon and discharged from the arrest of the Commissioner due to hospitalization. Or the court finds that a person needs outpatient treatment or controlling to prevent his disorder from worsening to the degree that he would require inpatient hospitalization — less than five years before the date of his applying for a concealed carry permit.
  • A person that hadn’t rights to possess a firearm due to mentally incapacitated and whose competency or ability was returned less than five years before the applying date for a concealed carry permit in Virginia.
  • A person that was incompetent to have a firearm due to forced outpatient treatment pursuant and who was released from confinement less than five years before the date of filing an application form for a concealed carry permit.
  • A person that has a restraining order or a protective order and prohibited from purchasing, having, or transporting a firearm.
  • A person who is considered as a convicted felon. Exception if the Governor or other appropriate authority recovered his rights. Or he has been restored to federal law.
  • An individual who has been condemned by two or more misconducts within the last five-years period.
  • An individual who has an addiction to marijuana or any synthetic cannabinoids or he is a distributor of any controlled substance.
  • A person who has been adjusted to a violation in driving a motor vehicle, engine whole intoxicated. Or public drunkenness. Or any a similar misdemeanor under the laws of any other state, the District of Columbia, the United States, or its regions within the three years immediately preceding the request. Or who is a habitual drunkard as defined on the laws.
  • An alien that doesn’t have permanent residence in the United States
  • A person who has been discharged from the United States armed forces under disgraceful conditions.
  • A person who is a fugitive from the law.
  • A person who the court determines by a preponderance of the proofs based on specific acts by the applicant is possible to use weapon illegally or carelessly to threaten others.
  • An individual who has been sentenced to any assault, battery, sexual battery, shooting of a firearm in public places, or shooting from vehicles within the three years leading the application date.
  • A person who has been condemned of stalking.
  • A person whose prior convictions or adjudications of crime were based on a misdemeanor that would have been at the time of punishment a transgression if committed by an adult under the laws of any state, the District of Columbia, the United States or its territories.
  • A person who has a criminal charge pending or a charge pending for malfeasance.
  • A person who has taken mental health therapy or substance abuse treatment in a residential setting within five years earlier to the date of his application for a concealed carry permit in Virginia.
  • A somebody not otherwise inappropriate agreeable to this article, who, within the three years immediately preceding the application for the permit, was determined guilty of any illegal. Or a criminal offense of unlawful hold or sharing of marijuana, synthetic cannabinoids, or any regulated substance under the laws of any state, the District of Columbia, or the United States or its areas.

Virginia Concealed Weapons Permit Process

The process for Virginia residents, or members of the armed forced live in Virginia:

  1. The paper application.

You need to provide the proper court information that you comply with the requirements for concealed carry permits by filling out a paper application.

  • Submit the paper application to the office at the Circuit court in the county or city where you are located. If you are a part of the armed forces, you may apply for the CCW in the county or city in which you live. The application for concealed carry online here.
  • You have to pay $10 for the processing fee. And $35 for conducting an investigation. It includes the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation for providing criminal history.
  • Sign the application under oath with a public notary.
  • Bring documents that prove your completion of acceptable firearms training. You can graduate a US Concealed Course Online here.
  • Upon acceptance of the finished form, the court discusses with the sheriff or police department of the county or city. They will then get a report from the Central Criminal Records Exchange.
  • The court sent the permit via United Stated mail. It informed the State Police of the issuance of the license within 45 days of acceptance of the completed request unless it is determined that the applicant is incapacitated.

Non-Resident Concealed Carry Permit

Concealed carry permits by state are allowed in the United States

There are eight necessary points Virginia non-resident concealed carry permit. The purpose of Virginia non-resident concealed carry to carry a firearm in a concealed manner while in the Commonwealth of Virginia. You have to contact the officials in your state to clarify if they will honor Virginia non-resident carry permit in your state of residence. Right now 28 states accept Virginia’s Nonresident Concealed Handgun Permit.

Non-resident carry permits in Virginia can get a person that is 21 years of age or older. You can apply in writing to the Virginia State Police for a five-year permit to carry a concealed handgun.

  1. You need to fill, sign, and notarize application SP-248. The application you can find here
  2. You should pay $100.00 to the Virginia State Police.

All finished application packs must include a money order or cashier’s check in the amount of $100.00, made payable to the Virginia State Police.

The applying fee is non-refundable regardless of the final determination of qualification.

  1. One photograph must be included:
  • 2 x 2 inches in height and width;
  • It is taken within the past six months;
  • Black and white or color;
  • Full face, front view with a plain white or off-white background with the head centered in the frame.
  • A photocopied photograph is NOT accepted.
  • No pixels.
  • It won’t be returned in cases of denied applications.
  1. Completed fingerprint card (Applicant Card FD-258). A law enforcement agency must obtain it. Prints must be copied onto an Applicant Fingerprint Card FD-258. Electronic submission is not acceptable.
  2. Certification or any other documentation of qualifying a handgun. If you want to take an online conceal and carry course — you can visit this website.
  3. Copy of a valid photo-ID-passport by a governmental agency or the U.S. Department of Defense or the U.S. State Department.
  4. The return address should be mentioned.
  5. Apply appropriate postage.

You should send the package on this address:

Firearms Transaction Center

Nonresident Concealed Handgun Permits

Criminal Justice Information Services Division

Department of State Police

P.O. Box 85141

Richmond, VA

The Virginia Department of State Police is not affiliated with any concealed carry course online or institutions.

There are no warranties that the above info is relevant or exist. All information may be changed at any time. You must understand that it is your responsibility to research national, state, and local laws regarding carrying and use a weapon.

