Kevin O'Shea
14 min readSep 12, 2024

Autopsy of the Universe

Kevin Patrick O'Shea
Nassau Community College
Westbury, United States ,


In this assignment, numerous topics will be discussed and analyzed with the fruition of providing a more thorough description of the universe than what previously existed. There will be numerous topics investigated to provide an autopsy of the universe, as the title suggests. Topics that will be investigated include: Forces and massless objects behaving like light, including gravity, which obey Noether's theorem, along with redshift, consciousness, space, time, and general relativity, Noether's theorem applying to all systems, since everything in the universe has conserved symmetries only, the second law of thermodynamics explaining the redshift of all massless particles, and particles losing energy, but not mass, general relativity obeying the laws of thermodynamics, as well as consciousness, causing space to expand, and time to slow down, specifically regarding the second law of thermodynamics, the universe not being eternal in the past, but eternal in the future, the breaking down of the laws of universe before the Big Bang and the universe itself, the laws of thermodynamics applying to general relativity, how the universe was caused by something that can be called “God” that is outside of the universe, that is space, time, and matter, that was hence immaterial when there was no space, time, or matter, that is before the Big Bang, the many definitions of the “Big Bang,” how there is no fundamental force of nature in that that is what existed before the Big Bang that is a part of the universe that now exists, when general relativity and quantum mechanics were merged, that is to say that nothing is a net zero force with no properties, what consciousness is and how it is a fundamental force and the uncertainty of space and time in relation to each other, an extension of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. The quest for a theory of everything is a daunting task, but this assignment will give answers to such questions.

Keywords: Forces, Gravity, Redshift, Consciousness, Space, Time, General Relativity, Noether's Theorem, Thermodynamics

Noether's Theorem

The first subject that will be mentioned is the extension of Noether’s theorem. We know from Einstein’s theory of general relativity that space and time both dilate. This causes gravity to function, which we know extends to infinity and operates at a linear rate that is proportional to the masses of objects and inversely proportional to the distance between them. We also know that the law of gravity has symmetries, that is, it works the same under all translations, rotations, and velocity boosts. Einstein almost predicted, the stuff that makes gravity, perhaps gravitons, behaves in accordance with the vacuum speed of light. We can also deduce that gravitational material in a vacuum works as if it traveled at a constant velocity, since it has the same mass as light, that is zero. In other words, all massless objects obey the rules and principles of light, in accordance with Noether’s theorem, including that they travel at a constant velocity, that they travel at 299,792,458 meters per second, and that they travel at the same velocity, that is slower, in set medium. From this, we can conclude that all systems obey Noether’s theorem,

Entropy, Consciousness, Redshift, and General Relativity

The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy, or disorder, increases in the universe. Order, or the universe, arose from chaos, that is nothingness.

Considering that the universe, that is, space, time, and matter, did not exist before the Big Bang,

this accounts not only for how entropy decreases, which under normal circumstances would violate the second law of thermodynamics, but it also accounts for matter and energy arose out of nothing, considering that all of the laws of physics, including the laws of thermodynamics, in this case the first one, should be ignored since the universe did not exist before the Big Bang, since the laws of the universe apply specifically to the universe. We can apply this principle to space, time, redshifts,

and consciousness in the same way that we do to black holes, matter, and energy, concluding that space is expanding,

and that light is redshifting, both like how heat, hence entropy, increases in a physical system, which we know from observation, and that time is slowing down and has slowed, or will slow down as much as possible.

In other words, entropy is a function of redshifts, and space, time and consciousness behave likewise. We can also conclude that consciousness is gaining entropy, because memories are being stored and thoughts are being processed, which uses a lot of energy. Space and time do not curve themselves, as we know from experiments that prove the general flatness of the universe. If continuous transformations were to occur such that space and time curved themselves, then Noether’s theorem would be violated, meaning that the curvature tensor for space and the speed of time would be self-changing. Noether’s theorem applies to all systems, since everything in the universe has continuous symmetries only. I have discussed much about general relativity, so it is only proper that I go over the history of the theory and its creator. Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, in the Kingdom of Wüttemberg in the German Empire. He was enamored by mathematics and physics from an early age, and then studied at Polytechnic School in Zurich, where he met Mileva Marić, whom he eventually married. After graduating, he struggled to find a job, then he became a patent examiner in Bern, Switzerland. Einstein published four papers in 1905, during what is commonly called his “miracle year,” one of which was the theory of special relativity, introducing the famous equation


relating mass and energy. This established Einstein as famous within the scientific community. In 1915, Einstein completed this theory with general relativity, revolutionizing our understanding of gravity. My idea is that the laws of space and time are the same in all frames of reference, which is to say that space and time dilation occur the same in all locations, space is expanding at an accelerating rate, like the branch of a parabola, and time is behaving similarly, slowing down instead or has slowed down, as it decays, emitting dark energy. Massless particles in a vacuum redshift, because as space expands, the massless particles have to travel with a greater wavelength so that it remains constant in accordance with special relativity. The discovery of redshift is a great achievement in modern science. In the late 19th century, astronomers Christian Doppler and Johann Balmer helped the world understand redshift. Doppler proposed that the frequency of light waves would change relative to the observer's motion, which became known as the Doppler effect. The year was 1912, when astronomer Vesto Melvin Slipher of the Lowell Observatory observed the spectra of galaxies. He made the distinct realization that most exhibited a redshift, showing them move away from the Earth. However, it took time for the significance of this discovery to materialize. Later on in the 1920s, Edwin Hubble used better telescopes, derived from Slipher's work. His revolutionary discovery was that galaxies are moving apart as redshift occurs, which became known as Hubble's Law.

The Big Bang

In other words, the universe was expanding and there was an event that occurred known as the “Big Bang.” We know that Noether’s theorem applies to all things in the universe. Before the Big Bang, there was no space, time, or matter. The Big Bang can be defined in a variety of ways. One definition is the event that began space, time, and matter, and another definition is the expansion of the universe, that is space and matter from an extremely high density and temperature that is still ongoing. These two definitions are not mutually exclusive, and since space, time, and matter had a beginning, we can deduce that the cause of the universe was spaceless, timeless, and immaterial, meaning that when the fundamental forces of nature were then unified, and since space, time, and matter all did not exist that there was no universe, hence the unification of general relativity and quantum mechanics is nothing. The cause of the universe could not have been nothing though, since nothing would have to have a property that causes something for the Big Bang to occur.

For argument’s sake, let’s call this immaterial force and unmoved mover “God.” God did not need the space to create the universe, because He is immaterial, and God did not need the space or the time to create the universe, because you don’t need space or time for space and time. We know that there was no time because of Olbers’s paradox and because time decaying is causing the universe to die, with dark energy as our observable evidence. The curvature of space means that the topology of space is not conserved, unless there is no matter or energy acting upon it, which is impossible because of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle causing quantum fluctuations. We can infer that everything obeys Noether’s theorem, from gravity to redshift to even consciousness. To understand how consciousness obeys Noether’s theorem, we can refer to the equation.

Light, which has consistent properties, such as that it moves at a constant velocity, increases in wavelength as it redshifts, meaning its frequency decreases. Noether's theorem is, therefore, not violated. It was named after the German mathematician Emmy Noether, and it was formulated in 1915 and published in 1918. However, the theorem came from her work on the mathematics of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity and David Hilbert's efforts to simplify it. It was initially developed to address variational symmetries in Lagrangian mechanics. According to the theorem, for every continuous symmetry of a physical system, a conserved quantity correlates to it. Noether's theorem implemented a profound connection between symmetries and conservation laws. Sadly, Emmy Noether struggled as a female mathematician and physicist in a primarily male field. Nevertheless, her work at least has a profound impact on mathematics and physics, influencing fields including, but not limited to: classical mechanics to quantum field theory.


Consciousness is its own animal with regards to Noether’s theorem. In order for Noether’s theorem to apply to consciousness, the definition of consciousness must stay intact with the properties included, but not necessarily limited to that definition. Even when one dreams or hallucinates, the senses are still intact, as well as thought. Some would argue that thought is a sense. Consciousness can be defined as subjective experience, but the subjective element cannot be mathematically described, but we can understand it from the lens of science and can come up with the mathematics of its fundamentals and of how consciousness is subjective. To understand how consciousness is subjective, we can use the equation.


This means that consciousness arises from matter and energy, since physical processes cannot account for the qualia of the mental world. This is to say that consciousness is a fundamental force, since it cannot be broken down.


The history of consciousness is complex in that the mystery exists across various fields, including philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science. Understanding consciousness and its evolution is an essential debate that has existed for centuries. In ancient philosophy, philosophers like Plato and Aristotle contemplated the nature of consciousness. Plato believed that the soul was not dependent on the physical body, believing in metempsychosis. Aristotle believed in an immortal soul. Around 1,000 years later, René Descartes proposed that dualism solves the mind-body problem, in which the mind and body are separate. During the Enlightenment, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, and philosophers alike questioned the nature of mind and reality. Locke proposed that humans start off as blank slates known as “tabula rasas,” meaning that the mind is a blank slate that is shaped by experience. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, psychology emerged as a science, and researchers like Wilhelm Wundt and William James understood consciousness as an empirical object. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory also contributed to the collective understanding of the unconscious mind and of the influence it has over behavior. In the 20th century, neuroscience and cognitive science developed in that we gained new insights into consciousness on a neural basis. Researchers including Francis Crick and Christof Koch proposed the linking of consciousness to specific neural mechanisms and brain processes.

Quantum Gravity

In our quest to unify general relativity and quantum mechanics, we need to apply fundamental principles to both systems. General relativity applies to the laws of thermodynamics rewritten. We can assume this by matching each law with general relativity, like how Stephen Hawking matched black hole thermodynamics with the laws of thermodynamics, because black holes are a product of general relativity. The zeroth law of thermodynamic general relativity is that if two regions of space-time are each in thermal equilibrium with a third region, then the first two are in thermal equilibrium with each other. In other words, multiple regions of space and time that carry a specific temperature to another region or other regions of space and time also have equal temperatures with each other.

The first law of thermodynamic general relativity is that space and time are constant, meaning that they don't cease to exist or spawn new manifolds, disproving the many worlds interpretation, not to mention that the many worlds interpretation is also incompatible with consciousness, otherwise minds would split across different timelines.

The second law of thermodynamic general relativity is that space and time are gaining entropy, since space is expanding and time is either slowing down or has slowed down as much as it can. In other words, the mass of objects and in extension the universe is on average depleting throughout the universe.

The second law of thermodynamics also indicates that particles lose energy, but not mass.

The third law of thermodynamic general relativity is that points in space and time cannot reach absolute zero temperature.

In other words, time is always emitting dark energy, and always will, until it moves extremely slowly, and space emits quantum fluctuations endlessly, but because of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and the third law of thermodynamic general relativity, time does not quite ever stop, but has a finite beginning, which we know from Olbers’ paradox.

We can then apply matter, energy, and forces to the thermodynamic laws of general relativity such that matter and energy are what cause temperature when talking about the zeroth law and that the original law applies to matter and energy, the first thermodynamic law of general relativity applies to the matter, energy, and forces within space and time, which is the original first law, the second thermodynamic law of general relativity applies to the entropy of matter, energy, and forces increasing within space and time, which is the original second law, and the third law of thermodynamic general relativity applies to the temperature of matter and energy never reaching absolute zero within space and time. Also, based on Heisneberg’s uncertainty principle and deductive reasoning that space and time work such that the more we pinpoint the point in space, the less precise our measurements of it are, as with time.

Examples include: smaller targets are harder to hit and it becomes harder and harder to time something the more precise we try to count time. We also know that massless objects that mediate the fundamental forces of nature fall under the laws of thermodynamics because they are massless, and so they travel at exactly the same velocity. This is to say that all fundamental forces of nature work in accordance with the speed of light. And speaking of the laws of thermodynamics, atoms obey them as well, with two atoms in thermal equilibrium with another atom, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other. I should also add that the zeroth law of thermodynamics under no circumstances only applies to three systems. There can be any number of systems in thermal equilibrium with any number of systems in this context. The other three laws of thermodynamics for atoms are that atomic energy can neither be created nor destroyed, that entropy increases in atoms, and that atoms cannot reach absolute zero. This, combined with the thermodynamic laws of general relativity, help unify general relativity and quantum mechanics if the laws are written out more broadly to encompass all objects and forces in the universe. We can understand these revised laws of thermodynamics as: multiple systems that are in thermal equilibrium with one or more system are in thermal equilibrium with each other, that stuff can neither be created nor destroyed, that entropy always increases on the overall in the universe, and that absolute zero cannot be achieved. The development of the atomic model has a complex history that goes back millenia. Philosophers in ancient civilizations, such as in Greece and India, theorized that atoms are the fundamental building blocks of matter. Among them were Greek philosophers Democritus and Leucippus. During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, alchemists and early chemists formulated a variety of theories about matter. However, they often delved into mystical territory rather than scientific territory. John Dalton discovered the true nature of the atom, realizing that all elements are composed of atoms that are divisible and that the atoms of elements are all nearly identical. He also discovered that the rearrangement of atoms occurs during chemical reactions. This then extended to the discovery of subatomic particles throughout the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. One example of this is that J.J. Thomson discovered the electron in 1897. Similarly, Ernest Rutherford discovered in 1911 that atomic mass is almost entirely concentrated in the nucleus. However, the physicists who most developed quantum mechanics include: Max Planck, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, and Albert Einstein, which describes the behavior of the small. Modern atomic theory correctly describes atoms as consisting of a nucleus composed of protons and neutrons, as well as electrons orbiting the nucleus in specific energy levels or orbitals. Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, advancements in particle physics led to the discovery of more subatomic particles and a deeper understanding of the fundamental forces that govern the behavior of matter at the atomic level. The history of the atom is a story of continuous discovery, with each era building upon the knowledge and insights of the previous one to deepen our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the universe.


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