5 Record Labels you should consider submitting tracks to and why.

Kevin Ferguson
5 min readAug 28, 2015


When scouting about the internet looking for a Record Label that would be interested in releasing your track, it can be hard to find good Labels that act as stepping stones to get your name out there, this is why I have done my research (and from personal experiences) to give you 5 labels I would recommend you get in contact with to get your producing career off to a flyer.

Also just a reminder, this is only for EDM and all the sub genres!

  1. 5howtime Music

For any starting artist, this is one of my favourite Labels, yes the downside is you have to pay a small fee with them, but the exposure and sales that come out of it are amazing, they are based in Switzerland, if you believe your track is release worthy then this is the best label to go to as it will be heard by many people.

They have around 20,000 followers on Soundcloud and a few thousand on Facebook, I believe all starting artists should give them a shot.

You can find them here: https://soundcloud.com/5howtimemusic

Submit your tracks to their email : 5howtime@gmx.ch

2. Revamped Recordings

Now this Record Label, completely different from 5howtime, these guys are more strict in releases, so you need your best track saved for these guys.

This should not be used for you ‘First ever release’ not unless your first track is outstanding of course, but with a release with these guys you are guaranteed great exposure and promotion of your track, they are very professional on how they go about their business, they are very supportive as well.

They have around 8,000 followers on Soundcloud and almost 4,000 on Facebook which of course is less than 5howtime but this label has several partners which are promotion services which promote every release on Revamped, either way if you are lucky enough to get a release on Revamped then it can only be a win situation!

You can find them here: https://soundcloud.com/revamped-recordings

Submit your tracks to their email: revampedsubmissions@gmail.com

3. DAXSEN Recordings

For all of you crazy about Deep House, there is no better place to look than DAXSEN, they provide you with a great service and are experts in getting your music out there, once again, like Revamped, they are strict in releases so just make sure you make that killer Deep House track and they will welcome you with open arms, most of their promotion comes from Facebook with a huge 19,000 likes and around 400 followers on Soundcloud, you can also request your tracks to be available for free download if you don’t want to get ahead of yourself, as it will bring in a lot of new fans for you to sell future music to.

You can find them here: https://soundcloud.com/DaxsenRecords

Submit your tracks to their email: DaxsenRecords@live.com

4. Breach Recordings

Now this is completely different from all others mentioned, submitting your track to these guys will get you some extra free promotion of your track with no contracts or agreements, they will feature your track on their websites, and their partners EDM Promotion, this is perfect for your ‘first track’ if you believe it can get good attention for a good stepping stone to release on bigger labels, they provide good support and in the future you will be able to sell your tracks with these.

They have a small fan base with around 200 Soundcloud followers and 800 Facebook likes.

Get your tracks submitted to Breach as there is nothing to lose, just followers and fans to gain!

You can find them here: https://soundcloud.com/breach-records

Submit your tracks to their email: breachrecordings@gmail.com

5. Unreal Sound Records

Guys, this is the Label where it is all at. This started off as just a group of producers helping each other out trying to make a name for themself (I was in the original group of producers), now they are an established record label which are now quite strict with releases, but with a great promotion team being partnered with EDM Collective, you will always get great exposure, I still to this day produce tracks to release on this label becuase I know how supportive everyone is and they do everything for their artists to get to the top. This is a record label to look out for in the future as one of the best.

You heard it here first.

They have decent size fan base already with just a year from the beginning, with almost 4,000 Soundcloud followers and almost 1,000 Facebook likes to their name.

You can find them here: https://soundcloud.com/unrealsound

Submit your track to their email: unrealsoundofficial@gmail.com

So basically, what you can take away with you after reading this is depending on what kind of music you produce, there will be one Label here that you will get accepted in to, so don’t hesitate in submitting your work!

These are my favourite record labels and every one I have either released a track on or I’ve worked with in the past, so take my knowledge and do what is best for you!

