Inspiring Stephen King Quotes about Grit, Art, and Hard Work

Kevin Abdulrahman
4 min readJan 1, 2020


What Can the Master of Horror Teach You about Life?

Stephen King is an incredible author. Despite a slow start, he’s sold millions of horror novels in his career. Many of them were New York Time bestsellers. The master of horror has a lot to say about grit, art, hard work, and living a good life. Let these seven Stephen King quotes encourage you to push yourself further and higher than you ever thought possible.

Just Go

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”

This quote reminds you that you’re one step closer to death everyday. And if your life is going to mean anything, you must live it. Don’t surrender your power to the opinions and preconceived notions of others. You’ll regret it.

You don’t have “all the time in the world.” A bus might run you over. A rare disease or illness might invade your body. So stop kicking your dreams to the future. Act on them right this second, because you can’t create a legacy when you’re dead.

Dig Deep

“Good books don’t give up all their secrets at once.”

I love authors and filmmakers with superb attention to detail. You can read their books or watch their movies ten times and during each new viewing you would probably notice something different. This is one of this author’s gifts, and it applies to more than books.

People are the same way, which means that it takes time to build meaningful connections. You’ve gotta get really comfortable with another person before you feel safe enough to reveal your darkest secrets and vice versa.

Be aware this is true for clients and customers, too so you shouldn’t expect them to be transparent at first. It takes time to earn trust. Prove that you’re watching out for their best interest and they’ll open up soon enough.

Face Your Fear

“The scariest moment is just before you start.”

This Stephen King quote reminds us that the human mind hates change. That’s why your brain will revolt as soon as you tackle a new challenge. This is especially true for difficult goals that require a significant investment of time and energy.

Imagine the anxiety of a new business owner. They’ve built a safety net. They researched the market. They’re completely aware of the competitive landscape. And even so, they feel terrified.

It doesn’t matter how well prepared you are. The moment you embark on a challenging path, your mind will start to wonder: “What if I get lost? Is it worth it?” or “Why can’t things just stay the same?” Ignore that voice. It’s nothing but a persuasive liar and in time, it will become less persistent.

Find Inspiration

“If you don’t have the time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”

You’re surrounded by sources of inspiration. They may come in the form of a text on your bookshelf, or from a moving TED talk that’s relevant to your industry. Podcasts are yet another option.

In the digital world, you don’t need a physical mentor. Simply choose an inspirational figure you aspire to be like. Read their books. Subscribe to their blog. Follow their social media posts. Digest all the information you can find on this person. Their beliefs and habits will rub off on you.

Strive to Be Concise

“The road to hell is paved with adverbs.”

Stephen King hates adverbs. He doesn’t think they add value to a sentence. I’ll demonstrate. Compare, “I’m running at the track” with, “I’m running at the track quickly.” Which is better?

The first sentence! If you’re running, then you’re probably moving fast. Otherwise, you’d be walking or jogging. Thus, the adverb added no meaning to this sentence. And this rule is in most cases.

This quote suggests that you get into the habit of reading all of your correspondence before you send them, especially your emails. Are there any irrelevant or extra words that could be deleted? If there are, get rid of them. People are busy and the quicker you can get to the point, the happier they’ll be. Express yourself in as few words as possible.

Embrace Your Demons

“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.”

Everyone has their demons. Maybe you’re struggling with alcoholism, drug addiction, sickness, divorce, bankruptcy, unemployment, or the loss of a loved one. And these troubles may feel insurmountable to you.

If any of that stuff sounds familiar, I’m sorry to hear it. My thoughts and prayers are with you. But no matter how tough these situations get, remember that you can become stronger because of them.

When we feel stressed or troubled, it’s easy to seek relief in dangerous places. You might become so troubled by life that numbing yourself — with drugs, alcohol, or some kind of substance — seems like the best solution. But I assure you that it’s not. Find a better way to deal with your pain and your problems if you can.

Practice Makes Progress

“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”

You can’t become a master of your craft without an insane amount of practice, sod o the work now and the rewards will come later. If you fail to follow-through, then you’ll only have yourself to blame.

The Number One Thing You Can Take Away From This

Stephen King is a master of his craft, and his life and success has taught him a lot about the journey. What change are you inspired to make in your life by these quotes?

How can you apply these Stephen King quotes to your business and life? Tell us in the comments. If you liked this article, share it with your friends.



Kevin Abdulrahman

I publish articles on topics like life lessons, entrepreneurship, happiness, creativity, productivity and more.