Start the Journey to Becoming a Motivational Speaker

Kevin Abdulrahman
5 min readDec 16, 2019


You’ve inspired others with your story. You’ve shared your plight — how you fought, struggled and overcame some horrifically tragic event or circumstance and lived to tell about it. Every time you tell your story, your audience of two or three is moved to tears. They walk away encouraged, motivated and inspired. You feel empowered.

You like that feeling…

Before you quit your day job, here are a few things I’d like you to consider:

What Being a Motivational Speaker is not

It feels good to have a message that is heard and valued. There is no other feeling in the world than being told that your words have profoundly changed someone’s life or made a difference in the world. And while motivational speakers change lives, transform companies and inspire nations — this profession is not as sexy as it seems.

Motivational speaking is not:

A Pathway to Fame

Sure, the best motivational speakers are famous. Being good at anything brings with it a level of exposure. However, if acclaim is what you are seeking, motivational speaking is not for you. The best motivational speakers don’t achieve their fame from a single speech. It comes from the hours they spend preparing for their engagements and the work they do with people and organizations behind the scenes. What they do behind closed doors is more important and valuable than the few minutes or hours they spend on stage. What you see on stage is the culmination of weeks, months and sometimes years of hard work and sacrifice.

The reality is that it can take years — or even decades — before you become well known. And — there is a very real possibility that fame will never come. The love of helping others maximize their potential has to be enough.

About You

If you have a message that you want to deliver — motivational speaking is not for you. As a motivational speaker, you are charged with developing a dynamic message that is tailor made for your audience. You don’t get to say what you want to say; you must say what the audience needs to hear. It’s not about you.

A Good Way to Earn a Living

You will not, I repeat, You will NOT get rich as a motivational speaker. Motivational speaking brings with it images of a jet set lifestyle complete with swanky hotels, bottles of Champagne, expensive suits and socializing with the elite.

The reality is that motivational speaking is eerily similar to playing a professional sport. A lot of people play the same sport and have the same level of skill and passion for the game, but very few every make it to the pros.

Most motivational speakers did not aspire to be in the profession. When they started out, they simply had passion and expertise in a specific niche. They were able to articulate how they became successful and expose the tricks of their particular trade. And the doors just opened from there. Their first “gigs” were as unpaid guest speakers. That’s right — they worked for free. Nick Morgan, contributing author for Forbes magazine, puts it this way:

“There is no such thing as the job category, “Motivational Speaker.” At least, there shouldn’t be, and you shouldn’t think of yourself as one, or even aspire to become one… Speaking is not a profession. It’s an activity. It’s a way to communicate your passion about a subject upon which you’re expert.”

Former President Barack Obama is a prime example of this. He is currently one of the highest paid and in demand motivational speakers. But he didn’t start off that way. His path was a long winding road that took him through law, politics and a U.S. presidency to get him to where he is today.

What Being a Motivational Speaker Is

Now that we’ve taken a few moments to dispel some of the myths and fallacies associated with motivational speaking, let’s take a moment to peel back the layers and demystify motivational speaking even further.

There are two fundamental things you must understand and fully grasp before you choose this path.

Motivational Speaking Is a Service to Others

First and foremost, you must understand that being a motivational speaker is a service. I am a servant to those I speak to and speak on behalf of. It’s my job to ignite passion and inspire people to recommit and rededicate themselves to achieving excellence. Companies, organizations and leaders look to me to create buy in and a can-do attitude within their sphere of influence. It is my job to not only be engaging and entertaining on stage, but to move people to action. My success and failure rely on my onstage abilities, and on my ability to impact the organization long-term.

It’s a Business

While motivational speaking is a service it is also a business — especially when it is your job. I understand that I am a brand and a commodity. I (my services) am bought, sold and shopped around to others. That means that what I offer must be top-notch and in line with best practices. This means that everything, from my personal appearance, written materials and advertisements to my knowledge and messaging, must be professional, well-researched and in tandem with industry best practices.

A huge part of business is the financial side. Managing the money aspect of this business can be extremely tricky. A sound business plan that firmly articulates the cost of doing business (travel expenses, materials, advertising, staff, etc.) must be in place before you even consider launching into this career field full time. If you do not have a sound business plan and people around you that understand the business of business, you’ll be out of business before you ever get started.

Moving Forward

Once you wrap your mind around the art and business of motivational speaking, you can then begin to devise a plan for moving forward. Below are some practical first steps that will help you successfully ease into the business:

1. Do Your Research

Make sure you understand the vision, mission, values, culture and the modus operandi of the companies and organizations you are targeting.

2. Join a Professional Speaker’s Bureau

This is a great way to hone your craft, network and surround yourself with likeminded individuals.

3. Practice, Practice and Practice Some More

Whenever an opportunity is available for you to speak — take it. This is especially true in the initial stages of your career. Speaking often and to different audiences will provide you better insight and intel than any book or class can teach. In this profession, experience truly is the best teacher.

4. Study the Pros

The best way to be the best is by learning from the best. How do they captivate their audience? How do they move? Where do they stand? When do they pause? When and how often do they change their tone, volume or rate of speaking?

5. Get a Mentor

Mentor-ship is one of the most valuable relationships you will ever have. Find someone who is doing what you want to do and learn from them. This includes shadowing them and working or interning for them if possible. This is one of the best ways to truly understand and get an inside peek into the world of motivational speaking.

The Number One Thing You Can Take Away From This

Do you still want to be a motivational speaker? If so, that’s great! Despite all my warnings it truly is an interesting and rewarding career that is constantly changing and challenging. If this is the type of career you want, and you think you have what it takes to do it, good luck and I’ll see you out there!



Kevin Abdulrahman

I publish articles on topics like life lessons, entrepreneurship, happiness, creativity, productivity and more.