The Puppet Master

3 min readJun 1, 2024


In the quiet corridors of our lives, we often encounter people who seem to have an uncanny ability to influence and manipulate others.

Photo by Sivani Bandaru on Unsplash

These individuals, often referred to as “puppet masters,” pull the strings behind the scenes, guiding others to dance to their tunes without even realizing it. The insidious nature of this manipulation can be difficult to detect until it’s too late. Puppet masters excel at subtlety, using charm and charisma, gaslighting, guilt-tripping, victimhood, and information control to influence others.

Avoiding their spell can be challenging. Humans are driven by two powerful emotions: fear and greed, as highlighted in the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” Although the book doesn’t directly address puppet masters, it emphasizes how these emotions influence our decisions. Puppet masters exploit these vulnerabilities, harnessing fear and greed to manipulate their targets. They are often highly intelligent and adept at using your emotions against you.

Being in the same room with a puppet master can be overwhelming because you might not realize that you’re following their plan all along, whether you’re a small part of their scheme or a crucial piece of a larger plot.

Recognizing a puppet master involves noticing signs like inconsistent stories, feeling drained, lack of accountability, control of information, and unspoken pressure. Protect yourself by setting boundaries, seeking outside perspectives, trusting your instincts, educating yourself about manipulation tactics, and focusing on self-care.

How about control freaks? Are they the same as puppet masters?

At first glance, they may seem like different breeds, but their desire for control and influence ties them together in a dance of subtle and overt manipulation. Both seek to control, but while puppet masters work subtly and manipulatively, control freaks are overt and often micromanage every aspect of their environment.

Understanding the connection between puppet masters and control freaks requires vigilance, self-awareness, and a commitment to ethical behavior. By recognizing manipulation tactics, setting firm boundaries, and reflecting on our actions, we can navigate the complex dynamics of influence with integrity and respect.

How about considering whether I exhibit traits of both?

Have you ever woken up one day thinking, “I must take control this time; I won’t let other people influence me for their own intentions”? It’s okay to want to take control of your life, and sometimes, to control life, you also need to understand how to manage those around you.

The question is, why does it really matter? Do you truly want to control other people’s emotions and decisions for your own purposes? It’s uncertain because, on the other hand, you don’t have the right to control and manipulate other people, but sometimes, the only one you should care about is yourself.

Always remember the downside: even if you try to take control of your life, which may involve controlling your environment and other people, it can be overwhelming when things don’t go your way.

You could have a long-term plan and execute it diligently, but there’s no certainty that things will unfold as expected. As a close friend of mine once said,

“We cannot control everything, but only our thoughts and behavioral responses towards life.”

In the end, whether you encounter a puppet master, a control freak, or see these traits within yourself, the most important string you control is the one that guides your own behavior. Use it wisely, with empathy and awareness, to foster healthier and more genuine relationships.

