Overview of Server virtualization process

Server Virtualization:

Kevin Asutton
3 min readNov 15, 2022

Server virtualization operates by abstracting or separating a computer’s hardware from any software that runs on it. This abstraction is achieved through a hypervisor, a specific software product.

Its primary function is to create a layer of virtualization that separates CPU/Processors, RAM, and other physical resources from virtual instances. After installing the hypervisor onto your host system, use the virtualization program to emulate the material resources and build another virtual server at the top. Each of these virtual servers can run separate operating systems and perform tasks by splitting resources among the server that is the parent.

Why Should You Use Server Virtualization?

There are numerous reasons why you need server virtualization. The modern servers are getting more advanced with each passing day. Using servers for a single program may only consume a small portion of the power available to the computer. Server virtualization allows an item of hardware to achieve its total capacity by running many virtual servers. It is a cost-effective method to increase the size of your IT infrastructure and provide as many users as you can access the capabilities of the hardware of your server. Compared to having multiple physical servers, the virtualization process makes server administration less expensive and more cost-effective and reduces the requirement of physical space. Additionally, issues can be dealt with from a single place, which reduces maintenance costs and downtimes.

Three Types of Server Virtualization:

There are three ways to make virtual server: Full virtualization, Para-Virtualization or OS level virtualization. They share very little. The physical server is known as the host. Virtual servers are referred to as guests. Guest operates precisely the same as host. Every system uses its own resources in a way that is different from any other method for the allocation of resources of physical servers, in line with the needs of virtual servers.

Full Virtualization:

Hypervisors, a type of software that speaks directly with the hard disk and CPU of the actual server, are used in full virtualization. Each virtual server is kept completely isolated from other virtual servers by the hypervisor, which also maintains track of the resources on the real server. When running programs, it also sends assistance from a real server to the appropriate virtual server. Complete virtualization has several disadvantages, but the main one is that each hypervisor is a different CPU with specific needs. Applications may experience delays as a result, and servers may perform worse.


Para-virtualization, as opposed to complete virtualization, enables the network as a whole to function as a single entity. Since every operating system running on virtual servers is capable of paravirtualization, it can be aware of other operating systems. To manage the operating systems, the hypervisor doesn’t need to require more processing power.

OS-level Virtualization:

OS-level virtualization is independent of a hypervisor, as contrast to full and para-virtualization. It executes all hypervisor operations and is a virtualization component included into the operating system for physical servers. However, this method of server virtualization requires that every virtual server run the same operating system.

