Kevin Bheda
5 min readJul 26, 2015

Why the oneplus one equals one fooled customer? And why the oneplus two could be worse…

Before you continue to read, please spare me for my crooked english and missing punctuation marks. As I procrastinate on weekends and oneplus two is close to release, I’m writing this at eleventh hour without any edit or retake,without looking back, in a single shot my first ever blog post on negative aspect well that is somewhat disappointing start. My main moto here is to englighten the layman and help him to make good decision while buying a phone.

Coming back from the little detour in above para a little background about me. I’m myself one of the million fooled owners of oneplus one and a software engineer. More importantly as an engineer I’m curious about sublte nuances of things and specially the oneplus one.

The reasons for me being so disappointed by oneplus one

Fact : Oneplus use of Gorilla Glass screen questioned..
Here why, OnePlus one clearly mentions on its site that its phone screen has Gorilla Glass 3. Ref link to their site . But the company Corning which licences Gorilla Glass maintains a list of verified devices that ship with Gorrila Glass 3 and sadly OnePlus one is not on the list. Credits to the guy who posted on androidheadlines who originally posted it. Do read his article as sheds light on many other problems with oneplus one which i surely miss in this article.
I further doubt if One Plus 2 will be on the list or no…

13 megapixel camera good enough ?
Well so much was advertised about the camera and lens from Sony which has been pretty standard is many phones including Xiaomi mi4 too. Here is my advice next time you buy a phone don’t get fooled by the number of x megapixels the camera has or even the dual led flash. Reason there are many aspects of a camera than just megapixels and suprise yourself with even the “camera software” has a lot of impact which make it a great smartphone camera.
So here is an juxtapose of Oneplus one and Find 7 smarthpone from Oppo, which incidently both of these smart phones were manucfactured on the same assembly lines.
The Oppo Camera app has been ported to Oneplus one just because it takes amazing pictures than the default camera app in Oneplus one Cyanogen mod and even Oxygen os. So I should say in plain words they just fitted the hardware without the necessary software fuel to leverage that hardware. Now some people will argue that Oppo has paid hefty money to build the custom software for their camera. Cutting it short here this can be much longer separate discussion.

Breaking newz!! 8 Megapixel Nexus camera beats 13 Megapixel under normal conditions?
People owning a smarthpone are mostly urban. So the definition of normal conditions is clicking photos when partying at various places, a lot movement in and around the scene like people not steady enough to take group picture and more photobombing in groups. To capture all this when you are yourself being part of enjoyment , it happense so that your hands are not steady enough. Which is my manytimes pictures get distorted clicking moving and unstable things. Now oneplus one certainly has more pixels than nexus but it certainly misses on OIS!!(optical image stabilization). In short what OIS means is when your hand holding the phone is moving it moves the camera parts in the opposite direction of your hand movement to balance it out thereby resulting in a steady photo.
Now you would have seen a lot posts about the awesome oneplusone camera. But most of them were still photography images and some shots captured with mobile tripod. Of course in steady picture scene like natural forest areas, lakes oneplus one would beat nexu camera. But its quality drops when capturing photos of myriad of awkward friends moments.
With the launch of OnePlus 2 just a day away will it have OIS instead of more megapixel than its predecossor one is least expected.

Quad core , 2.5 GHz Processor is just an oversized buffalow rather than a milching cow..
Rather than guessing I’m from India, I hope you got the analogy here ie cow being half sized compared to buffalow, produces low milk which is more nutritious.
In general when buying smarthpones don’t get fooled by quad core and frequency numbers. The more the merrier rule does not apply here. Carefull read the example to understand how a processor with half the speed can outperform the processort with double speed.
example: Lets consider a processor Buff has frequency of computing 2 instructions per second and supports an instruction which can add two numbers ie “a + b” in a single shot. And now processor Cow has frequency of computing 1 instruction per second but supports a complex instruction which can add three ie “a + b + c” in a single shot.
Now lets say we want to caluclate sum of three number ie a + b + c = d (1 + 2 + 7 = 10). Over here processor buff will take perform the addition of numbers in steps ie it will first calculate a + b = x (1+2 = 3) , store x and then add x + c = d(3 + 7 = 10). And now the processor cow can do the addition of three numbers in a single shot a + b + c = d (1 + 3 + 7 = 10). So you see buff despite being 2x faster than the cow both completed the task of adding three numbers in one second.
I hope the above example clearly explains why having hyped processor does not necessarily means hyped performance.
Oneplus One has heating issues. The impact is when you play high end games the CPU heats up and the software downgrades the frequency to avoid over heating thereby reducing gaming performance and not good graphics, ask gamer i bet on this.
Just like credit rating systems in finance we have benchmarking tools which measure the performance for gaming and overall and the sad part is One Plus Performance and cheating is very well known for these benchmarks.

One Plus 2 will have custom version of 810 prcocessor just for Oneplus one. They still continue market lies reference link Is the onplus team lying