Why this Marriage Cliché is More Harmful Than You Think

Kevin C. Kuo
5 min readApr 30, 2019

Happy Wife, Happy Life is a phrase I didn’t start hearing until after I was married. Since my parents are immigrants, as are most of their friends, it was never used at home. My mother is not a happy wife and she did not have a happy life. My father, on the other hand, seems quite happy regardless of his situation or environment.

If I had heard this phrase used in a more positive context, I would likely have different feelings about it. But the men who have said it to me have always done so sarcastically, in a way that felt covertly self-destructive.

When married men repeat this adage they do so typically with a sly smile. As if it’s some kind of inside joke that makes them part of the cool husband club that “gets it.”

“As long as the wife is happy, I’m happy.”

But are you living? Are your desires and needs being met?

If the answer’s yes, then I am happy for you. But if not, then please read on.

It’s cute but…



Kevin C. Kuo

Husband, Father, Writer. Aspiring indie game developer. Part time trader and FIRE enthusiast: http://tradingtofire.com