Ansible Role CI for Ceph using Molecule, OpenStack, Ceph-Ansible and GitHub Actions — Part 2

Kevin Coakley
3 min readMay 4, 2020


Part 2: Install Ceph on the servers using ceph-ansible

Part 1: Configuring Molecule OpenStack Driver
Part 3: Automatically run the Molecule test using GitHub Actions and OpenStack

I described in part 1 how to use the Molecule OpenStack driver to create 1 mon server and 3 osd servers in OpenStack for a Ceph install by updating Molecule’s create.yml and destroy.yml files.

In this part I will describe how to install Ceph using ceph-ansible during the prepare phase of the Molecule test run.

First, I will update molecule.yml to use the gilt dependency module to clone ceph-ansible repository.

name: gilt

I updated the platforms section of molecule.yml to include the Ansible inventory groups that each server will belong to according to the role each server will provide to the Ceph cluster.

- name: "mon-1"
image: CentOS 7.6 x86_64
flavor: m1.medium
- mons
- mgrs
- name: "osd-1"
image: CentOS 7.6 x86_64
flavor: m1.medium
- osds
- name: "osd-2"
image: CentOS 7.6 x86_64
flavor: m1.medium
- osds
- name: "osd-3"
image: CentOS 7.6 x86_64
flavor: m1.medium
- osds

Ceph-ansible requires specific settings in the ansible.cfg file in order to run. I will update the provisioner settings in molecule.yml to use the ansible.cfg file provided by ceph-ansible git repository. Finally, I will set all of the group_vars needed to configure a running Ceph cluster. I combined the general, mon, mgr and osd group_vars into a single group_vars called all for simplicity. Refer to the ceph-ansible documentation if you have any questions about specific ceph-ansible group_vars settings.

name: ansible
log: false
configure_firewall: false
ntp_service_enabled: false
ceph_origin: repository
ceph_repository: community
ceph_stable_release: nautilus
monitor_interface: eth0
radosgw_interface: eth0
osd_objectstore: bluestore
dashboard_enabled: false
- /dev/sdb

Next, I created the gilt.yml file in order to clone the ceph-ansible repository at the v4.0.20 tag in the $MOLECULE_EPHEMERAL_DIRECTORY/ceph-ansible/ directory. The $MOLECULE_EPHEMERAL_DIRECTORY directory is a temp directory created by Molecule that lasts for the duration of the Molecule test run.

- git:
version: v4.0.20

Finally, I will update the prepare.yml file to install and test Ceph using ceph-ansible. Ceph-ansible uses multiple roles in order to install and configure Ceph. I will just need to import the site.yml.sample playbook stored in the root of the gilt cloned ceph-ansible git repository. Molecule also sets the path of $MOLECULE_EPHEMERAL_DIRECTORY as an enviroment variable so it can be referred to in Ansible playbooks and roles by: {{ lookup(‘env’, ‘MOLECULE_EPHEMERAL_DIRECTORY’) }} . Then I run a test after ceph-ansible has been completed to verify that the Ceph cluster is in a healthy state before Molecule proceeds to running the converge.yml step.

- name: include the ceph-ansible playbook
import_playbook: "{{ lookup('env', 'MOLECULE_EPHEMERAL_DIRECTORY') }}/ceph-ansible/site.yml.sample"

- name: Converge
hosts: all
become: true

cluster: ceph
mon_group_name: mons

- name: Give Ceph time to work
pause: seconds=5

- name: Check ceph health
command: "ceph --connect-timeout 5 --cluster {{ cluster }} health"
changed_when: false
delegate_to: "{{ groups[mon_group_name][0] }}"
register: ceph_health
until: ceph_health is succeeded
run_once: true
failed_when: "'HEALTH_OK' not in ceph_health.stdout"

Now you should have a working Ceph cluster that you can use to test your Ceph Ansible roles by completing the converge.yml and verify.yml files.

In the last part I will describe how to automatically run the Molecule test using GitHub Actions when there is a new commit.

The full repository of all of the code is at

