Kevin C. Tofel
4 min readMar 29, 2016

Plot twist: I’m working for Google

So that’s a headline I never thought I’d be writing. But it’s true.

I recently flew out to Mountain View for orientation, meetings and my first visit ever to Google HQ.

To clarify though, I haven’t earned one of the Noogler hats that my son has coveted for so long. (Don’t worry, Tyler, work hard when you start college this fall and there will be hope for you yet!)

Instead, I’ll be consulting through an agency for Google and I am not a full-time Google employee.

I’m OK with that because no matter what happens, it’s already abundantly clear to me that I’m working with some of the smartest, most passionate people I’ve ever met. And I’m doing so at a large company even though after a dozen years in I.T. at Fortune 100 organizations, I said I’d probably never work for a big business again.

But I’ve always said if the right large company came along, I’d strongly consider a return. And, for me, Google is one of the very few organizations that fits the bill. In fact, I can’t think of many other companies that have affected the lives of so many around the world in the current mobile revolution.

As for what I’ll be doing: I can’t say just yet. Rest assured though, it fits extremely well with experiences I’ve had in the past 20-odd years both working with technology and writing about it. I think you’ll agree, once I share more information in the future.

Given that I’ve been writing online since 2003, I’m sure some folks who have been reading my work for years — and I thank you for that! — will have questions. Let me see if I can head some of them off.

Q. You’ve always used various devices and platforms; does this mean you’ve drunk the Kool-Aid?

I can say in all honesty that while I was at the GooglePlex, not once did I see any Kool-Aid in the cafeterias or micro-kitchens. ;) I still believe in using the best tools for the tasks, no matter the brand or platform. I do, however, think that Google hardware, software and services can be right for many, many people.

Q. Are you moving from southeastern Pennsylvania?

No but I am based at Google NYC, which is the closest office to my home in the sticks. And I’ll be there occasionally, so if you see me around town, be sure to say hi! Also, this means you’ll still see me post pictures of cows, cornfields and other rural scenes to Instagram, Facebook and such. You’ve been warned. ;)

Q. So are you still writing for other places online?

Nope, you won’t see my byline at ZDNet going forward, nor anywhere else. I’ll be pretty busy trying to add value to Google. I do have to give a big shout-out to ZDNet for taking me in when Gigaom shut down abruptly last March: ZDNet gave me a place to write what I wanted about mobile platforms and I’m grateful for the chance they provided.

Q. Wait, you do podcasts too. Are those gone as well?

At this point, I think I’ll have just enough free time to sneak in my two weekly podcasts, so I plan to continue doing them. The MobileTechRoundup podcast I’ve done with Matthew Miller since 2006 (whoa!) should still be available for your listening pleasure on Sundays. And I’m still recording the IoT Podcast with Stacey Higginbotham. I expect both shows will carry on, at least in the near future.

Q. I’m a PR person: Should I still send you pitches?

You can, but I probably won’t do much with them. ;) Seriously, it’s probably easier to update your contact list by removing me for now. If I end up coming back to the world of blogging, I’ll let you know and will happily consider any news or devices you have for potential publication consideration wherever I’m writing.

Q. I have a different question.

No problem! You can either call my private support line — actually, don’t do that because I don’t really have one — or reach out to me on social media or through my personal email address if you have it. I’ve always tried to make myself readily accessible because I’d rather have conversations with readers than dictate information in a one-way medium.

So that’s that! I’m super stoked for the opportunity and the chance to spend my workdays with the talented folks at Google. And when the time is right, I’ll have more details to share.

For now; it’s time to get to work!

Kevin C. Tofel

Ex-Google, ZDNet & GigaOM. I write about Chromebooks & IoT. 53-year-old coding student at Launch School. Support me: