What is my purpose in life — Best Tips to Help You Find Your Passion

1 min readFeb 16, 2018


What should I do with my life? How do I go about finding my passion? I’m having a quarter life or midlife crisis!

These are common concerns I think most people deal with at one point or another, and finding motivation to turn your wants and dreams into reality is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and for your career and future!

Is you want to know what to do with your life, or are looking to find your passion then you came to the right video, we are going to discuss real life, exercises and scenarios to narrow down EXACTLY what is most important to you, so that you can begin to make all of your choices move you closer to your goal of happiness and fulfillment!

When visualizing your life mission, don’t worry about the details of how to get from point A to B, just find “what is my purpose in life

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