
Happy Cat — A Sonnet
By Kevin J. W. Driscoll © 2024

A tiny veil, a dress of pearly white
Atop my head, a most peculiar sight
This feathered friend, with chirps both loud and shrill
Has claimed my crown, a most unwelcome thrill

I stalk the house, a feline, a feline queen
But with each step, this bridal scene is keen
To broadcast songs that pierce the morning hush
A feathered jester with a mocking crush

The humans stir, bewildered by the sound
Assuming birdsong paints the landscape round
They’ll never guess the source of all this glee
A tiny bride perched on a grumpy me

Perhaps this dawn, this feathered, white-clad sprite
Will seek a clock, a more deserving height

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Kevin J Driscoll

Stand Up Comedian, Watercolor Artist, Musician, Composer, Author, Playwright, Philanthropist.