Understanding Stoicism: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life

Kevin Lance Murray
5 min readJun 5, 2023


In today’s fast-paced and chaotic world, many people search for guidance on how to navigate the ups and downs of life with equanimity and inner peace. One ancient philosophy that continues to resonate with people today is Stoicism. Stoicism offers practical wisdom and timeless principles for leading a fulfilling and virtuous life, regardless of external circumstances. In this blog post, we will explore the essence of Stoic philosophy, delve into the teachings of ancient Stoic philosophers such as Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epicurus, and discuss the modern interpretation of Stoicism by Ryan Holiday.

What is Stoicism?

Stoicism is a philosophical school that originated in ancient Greece around the 3rd century BCE and flourished in ancient Rome. The philosophy was founded by Zeno of Citium, who emphasized the pursuit of virtue and inner tranquility as the keys to a meaningful life. Stoicism teaches that we should focus on what we can control — our thoughts, actions, and attitudes — while accepting with equanimity the things beyond our control.

Central Tenets of Stoicism

  1. Virtue as the Highest Good: Stoicism places great importance on living a life of virtue. According to the Stoics, the ultimate goal of human life is to cultivate wisdom, courage, justice, and self-discipline.
  2. Acceptance of Nature: Stoics believe in aligning oneself with the natural order of the universe. They advocate accepting and embracing the inevitable changes and uncertainties of life.
  3. Control of the Inner Self: Stoicism emphasizes the power of our minds and the ability to cultivate resilience and emotional self-control. By training our thoughts and judgments, we can free ourselves from unnecessary suffering.

Ancient Stoics

  1. Marcus Aurelius: Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor from 161 to 180 CE, is one of the most renowned Stoic philosophers. His private reflections, known as “Meditations,” offer insights into the practical application of Stoic principles. Marcus Aurelius emphasized the importance of living in the present moment, accepting the transient nature of life, and focusing on the development of one’s character.
  2. Seneca: Lucius Annaeus Seneca, a prominent Stoic philosopher during the first century CE, provided guidance on how to navigate life’s challenges with wisdom and virtue. Seneca emphasized the importance of self-examination, cultivating inner peace, and developing resilience in the face of adversity. His writings, including “Letters from a Stoic,” offer timeless wisdom and practical advice for living a fulfilled life.
  3. Epicurus: Although Epicurus is not strictly a Stoic philosopher, his teachings influenced the Stoic school. Epicurus advocated for a simple and balanced life, free from unnecessary desires and fears. He believed that true happiness lies in cultivating friendships, pursuing modest pleasures, and achieving tranquility through the absence of pain and anxiety.

Modern Stoicism: Ryan Holiday

Ryan Holiday is a modern writer and proponent of Stoic philosophy. He has popularized Stoic teachings through his books, including “The Obstacle Is the Way” and “The Daily Stoic.” Holiday emphasizes the relevance of Stoic principles in the modern world, offering practical strategies for overcoming obstacles, managing stress, and finding meaning in everyday life.

Holiday draws upon the wisdom of ancient Stoic philosophers and adapts their teachings to contemporary challenges. He encourages readers to embrace adversity, reframe obstacles as opportunities for growth, and cultivate a mindset of resilience, gratitude, and self-discipline.

Stoicism, an ancient philosophy with enduring relevance, provides valuable insights into how we can lead meaningful lives and find tranquility in a chaotic world. By embracing the central tenets of Stoicism and learning from the wisdom of ancient Stoic philosophers like Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epicurus, as well as modern interpreters like Ryan Holiday, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and cultivate the virtues necessary for a fulfilled life.

Stoicism teaches us to focus on what we can control, to accept the natural order of the world, and to cultivate inner strength and resilience. By recognizing the power of our thoughts and attitudes, we can free ourselves from unnecessary suffering and find peace amidst the chaos.

The wisdom of Marcus Aurelius, as captured in his “Meditations,,” reminds us to live in the present moment and to approach life with a sense of humility and gratitude. He emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and personal growth, encouraging us to continually strive to improve ourselves and cultivate virtuous qualities.

Seneca, in his “Letters from a Stoic,” provides practical advice on how to navigate life’s challenges with wisdom and equanimity. He emphasizes the need to develop resilience in the face of adversity and to detach ourselves from external outcomes, focusing instead on cultivating inner peace and contentment.

Epicurus, although not a strict Stoic, influenced the philosophy with his teachings on the pursuit of simplicity, balance, and tranquility. He believed that true happiness lies in moderation and in freeing ourselves from unnecessary desires and fears.

In the modern era, Ryan Holiday has played a significant role in popularizing Stoic philosophy and adapting its principles to the challenges of contemporary life. Through his books, Holiday explores how Stoic teachings can help us overcome obstacles, manage stress, and find meaning in our daily lives. He emphasizes the importance of embracing adversity and seeing obstacles as opportunities for growth.

Holiday’s work encourages us to reframe our perspectives, to focus on what is within our control, and to cultivate qualities such as resilience, gratitude, and self-discipline. He provides practical strategies and exercises to integrate Stoic principles into our everyday lives, helping us navigate the complexities of the modern world with a Stoic mindset.

In conclusion, Stoicism is a philosophy that has stood the test of time, offering timeless wisdom and practical guidance for leading a virtuous and fulfilled life. Through the teachings of ancient Stoic philosophers like Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epicurus, as well as the modern interpretation by Ryan Holiday, we can learn to cultivate resilience, inner peace, and a sense of purpose in an ever-changing world. By embracing Stoic principles, we can find solace in the face of adversity, pursue a life of virtue, and attain lasting tranquility and fulfillment.

-Kevin Lance Murray for KLM Wellness, 2023

