Here are the SDKs Top Mobile Apps Use
Mobile Growth
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2016
Want to know what SDKs Snapchat uses? It’s listed below and here

EDIT: We are live at!

We are working on a free community resource for mobile app developers on which app uses what SDKs. Based on our app indexing work, here’s some insight into what SDKs some top mobile apps use. We thought it’s quite interesting and we wanted to share it with everyone.

If interested for more comprehensive insight when we launch our free service for all major apps, please sign up for our Beta here as we may roll out to early Beta users first for early feedback. The list of SDKs below aren’t meant to be exhaustive. It’ll be more comprehensive when we launch.

Instagram: Facebook SDK, AFNetworking, Appirater, Bolts Framework, Cocoa Lumberjack, FXBlur, Halide, SocketRocket

Lyft: Kochava SDK, Stripe SDK, LeanPlum SDK, OpenCV, Tune SDK (Mobile App Tracking), AlamoFire, BPXLUUIDHandler, SDK, Crashlytics, Eigen, Fabric, Google Maps SDK, Appboy SDK, Bolts Framework, ClosureKit, Haneke, JGProgressHUD, Mixpanel, Pusher, SnapKit, SocketRocket, SDWebImage, Zipzap

Uber: Adjust SDK, Alipay SDK, Baidu Maps SDK, border-patrol, BPXLUUIDHandler, Braintree SDK, Bully, SDK, Crashlytics, DeviceUtil, Eigen, Fabric, Facebook SDK, Formatter Kit, Google Maps SDK, KSCrash, LevelDB, Mantle Framework, Masonry, Tune SDK (Mobile App Tracking), OpenCV, PayPal SDK, PocketSVG, Reachability (Pod), SocketRocket, SSKeyChain, 1Password Extension

Pinterest: Stripe SDK, Adjust SDK, AFNetworking, Bolts Framework, Branch Metrics SDK, SDK, Crashlytics, Eigen, Fabric, Facebook SDK, FLAnimatedImage, FMDB, Masonry, OpenCV, Pop Animation Engine, Facebook Shimmer, TTTAttributedLabel Adobe Air SDK, Bolts Framework, Facebook SDK, Google Conversion Tracking SDK, Google Mobile Ads SDK

Snapchat: AFNetworking, Amplitude SDK, AppLovin SDK, Cocoa Lumberjack, Crittercism SDK, Eigen, FLAnimatedImage, Flurry SDK, Google Conversion Tracking SDK, Google Mobile Ads SDK, Hockey SDK, Masonry, PLCrashReporter, PSPDFKit, TTTAttributedLabel, ZipArchive

SoundCloud: 1Password Extension, Adjust SDK, AFNetworking, Bolts Framework, Cocoa Lumberjack, comScore SDK, Crashlytics, Fabric, Facebook SDK, Google+ SDK, Hockey SDK, Mantle Framework, AppBoy

Starbucks: AFNetworking, BPXLUUIDHandler, SDK, Crashlytics, Eigen, Fabric, Facebook SDK, Google Analytics SDK, LEColorPicker, Tune SDK (Mobile App Tracking), New Relic SDK, OpenCV, PLCrashReporter, Roximity SDK, Spotify SDK, TTTAttributedLabel, Urban Airship SDK, Visa Checkout SDK, Apptentive

Tinder: AFNetworking, Bolts Framework, Cocoa Lumberjack, Crashlytics, Fabric, Facebook SDK, FLAnimatedImage, Formatter Kit, Pop Animation Engine, PSPDFKit, Taplytics SDK, TTTAttributedLabel, AppBoy

YouTube: Cocoa Lumberjack, Google Breakpad, Google Conversion Tracking SDK, Google Mobile Ads SDK, Google+ SDK, Nimbus Kit

If you like what we are doing, sign up here so we can notify you when we launch very soon. We promise we will not spam you and we are not going to sell your email addresses (there’re probably easier ways to harvest emails if that’s our intention).

Happy building.


Mobile Growth

We index Mobile Apps to show what SDKs and deep links Mobile Apps use. Follow uson Twitter @AppSightIO