Importance of Gun control

3 min readApr 16, 2019

by Michael Ameyaw

Tragedies are nothing new in American history and even the world as whole, especially when it comes to violence involving gun-related incidents. With the recent events and rise in gun violence throughout the many years, tensions with the states have increased with more of these shooting being school-shooting, gang-related, and cop-related. Despite these many incidents, it’s still seems that the efforts to increase gun-control, let alone band some have continuously been pushed back. For instance, this can even be put side-to-side with the recent New-Zealand shooting, taking the lives of 49 and injuring 48. with just that, New Zealand’s prime minster carried out a law that would ban all assault rifles. If New Zealand experiencing one shooting was enough for them to enforce such rules what is stopping north America from following suite? despite the dozens of lives taken due to said incidents? In order for these tragedies to be reduced, stricter rules must be implemented, as although it is impossible to predict one’s actions, we can minimize these situations by hitting the problem at its core.

To further analyze this reoccurring problem, we can look at how accessible it has become for people to gain ownership of guns, without having a more stricter background check. For instance, according to the American Public Health Association, guns kill more than 38,000 people per year, a majority of them being murders and suicide (Loria, 2018, para. 5). Although we cannot predict everyone’s intentions and motivations, having rules that analysis a person’s records and mental state can help to crack down on those who may intend to use such weapons for nefarious purposes. implementing these rules would not be meant to single out those with any form mental illness/disorder, but it would asset in dumbing down the number of shooting-related incidents. It is not just enough to evaluate the age limit, or restrictions on what type of weapons the general public are allowed to get their hands on, but it is important that the mid becomes a key factor as well.

Even if having stricter evaluations that analyzed a person’s past to determine whether they are permitted to own a gun don’t fall through, banning the use of assault rifles and any additional heavy guns could be a start in dumbing down access and in doing so, reducing major calamites. Louis J. Klaevas, who had studied five decades of mass shootings stated that “the factor most associated with high death tolls in gun massacres is the use of a magazine holding more than ten bullets.” (Klaevas, 2018 para. 13), although shooting-related tragedies can still occur, regardless of the size or impact of the weapon, attacking the problem, especially in regard to mass shooting can be a factor in limiting the accessibility to these weapons and gradually, other weapons can be removed off the market, slowly and surely reducing the amount of shooting-related incidents. For example, in one of Canada’s most recent mass shooting in the past year, 6 people were killed and 19 were injured at a mosque early 2017, with the shooter using a semi-automatic rifle. As shown, it is not hard to see that a majority of these casualties can be traced back to their ability to easily gain accesses to these high maintains weapons. As previously mentioned, it does not mean that the amount of homicides and mass murders will just suddenly reduce, but it does aid efforts towards prevent future mishaps.

In terms of both arguments on whether gun control is needed or not, both prove to formulate good points, however, it is necessary that we strive to limit the amount of violence and tragedies the best we can, and with the increase in mass shooting, suicides, homicides etc., more actions need to be taken to create not more gun restrictions on top of the ones we already have, instead to create more effective ones that can apply not only to north America, but the world as a whole, as we should not wait before another mosque or New Zealand incident occurs before we take better and more sufficient actions.




Passionate Artist/ george brown college