The Top 3 Python Web Development Frameworks: Advantages and Key Features

Kevin Meneses González
3 min readJul 13, 2024

Python has established itself as one of the most popular programming languages, not only for its simplicity and readability but also for its robust ecosystem of web development frameworks. In this article, we’ll explore three of the most widely used frameworks for building web applications with Python: Flask, FastAPI, and Django. Additionally, we’ll discuss their advantages and the libraries that can be integrated to extend their functionalities.

1. Flask: Flexibility and Simplicity

Flask is a microframework for Python that stands out for its simplicity and flexibility. It is ideal for those starting in web development or for projects that require a lightweight solution.

Advantages of Flask:

  • Microframework: Being a microframework, Flask does not impose a rigid structure, allowing developers greater flexibility in organizing the project.
  • Extensibility: You can add functionalities to Flask via third-party modules like Flask-SQLAlchemy for database connections, Flask-WTF for form management, and Flask-JWT for JSON Web Token authentication.
  • Easy Integration: It integrates easily with other libraries in the Python ecosystem, such as Jinja2 for HTML templates and SQLAlchemy for…



Kevin Meneses González

SAP/CRM consultant & data analyst with Python. Chess enthusiast & content creator. Bridging data with strategy. Investor in stocks and AI enthusiast