What is the Difference between Hosted And Self-Hosted Ecommerce Platforms

4 min readJun 12, 2024


What is the Difference between Hosted And Self-Hosted Ecommerce Platforms

If you want to sell things online, you need an ecommerce platform. But did you know there are two main types? These are called hosted and self-hosted ecommerce platforms. Let’s explore what these terms mean and help you understand the differences.

What is the Difference between Hosted And Self-Hosted Ecommerce Platforms

Hosted Ecommerce Platforms

Hosted ecommerce platforms are like renting a house. Someone else takes care of everything for you. They provide the servers, security, and maintenance. All you need to do is set up your shop and start selling.

Some popular hosted ecommerce platforms include:

  • Shopify
  • BigCommerce
  • Squarespace

With hosted platforms, you don’t have to worry about technical stuff like coding or server issues. The company you choose takes care of all of that for you.

What is the Difference between Hosted And Self-Hosted Ecommerce Platforms

Self-Hosted Ecommerce Platforms

Self-hosted ecommerce platforms are like owning a house. You have full control, but you also have to take care of everything yourself. This includes setting up the servers, security, and maintenance.

Some popular self-hosted ecommerce platforms include:

  • WooCommerce
  • Magento
  • OpenCart

With self-hosted platforms, you have to be more tech-savvy or hire someone who is. You get more customization options, but it can be more complicated and time-consuming.

Key Differences

Here’s a quick summary of the differences between hosted and self-hosted ecommerce platforms:

  • Hosted: Easier to set up, less technical knowledge needed, but less customization.
  • Self-Hosted: More control and customization, but more technical knowledge needed.

Why Choose Shopify?

Now that you know the differences, let’s talk about one of the best-hosted ecommerce platforms: Shopify.

Shopify is a hosted platform, which means they take care of all the technical stuff for you. This makes it a great choice for beginners and those who want to focus on their business, not on managing a website.

Benefits Of Using Shopify

Here are some of the amazing benefits of using Shopify:

  • Easy to Use: You don’t need to know how to code. Shopify makes it easy to set up your store and start selling.
  • 24/7 Support: If you have any questions or problems, Shopify’s support team is always there to help you.
  • Secure: Shopify provides top-notch security for your store, so you don’t have to worry about hackers or data breaches.
  • Scalable: Whether you’re just starting out or have a huge business, Shopify can handle it. You can easily upgrade your plan as your business grows.
  • Lots of Apps: Shopify has a large app store with tools to help you with marketing, shipping, customer service, and more.

Shopify Pos Pro Sale Api

One of the standout features of Shopify is its POS Pro Sale API. This tool offers:

  • Unified Dashboard Management: Manage everything from one place.
  • Real-Time Inventory Tracking: Always know what’s in stock.
  • Detailed Customer Profiles: Understand your customers better.
  • Omnichannel Capabilities: Sell online, in-store, and more.
  • Advanced Reporting: Get detailed reports to understand your sales and performance.
  • Flexible Payments: Accept various payment methods.
  • Staff Management: Manage your team easily.
  • Discounts and Promotions: Create special offers to attract customers.
  • Efficient Order Handling: Process orders smoothly.
  • Hardware Compatibility: Use various hardware tools like barcode scanners.
  • Offline Mode: Continue selling even if the internet goes down.
  • Integration with Shopify Admin: Seamlessly connect with other Shopify tools.
  • Robust Security: Keep your business safe.
  • 24/7 Support: Get help whenever you need it.

Make the Smart Choice

Choosing the right ecommerce platform is crucial for your business. If you want something easy to use, secure, and packed with features, then Shopify is the perfect choice for you.

With Shopify, you can focus on growing your business while they take care of the technical stuff. Plus, with their excellent support and powerful tools, you’ll have everything you need to succeed.

So why wait? Sign up for Shopify today and start building your dream store!

If you want to learn more about Shopify and its amazing features, visit their official website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Hosted Ecommerce Platforms?

Hosted ecommerce platforms are managed by third-party providers. They handle hosting, security, and updates for you.

What Are Self-hosted Ecommerce Platforms?

Self-hosted ecommerce platforms require you to manage hosting, security, and updates yourself. You have complete control over customization.

Which Platform Offers Better Customization?

Self-hosted platforms offer more customization. You can modify every aspect of your store to fit your needs.

Which Platform Is Easier To Set Up?

Hosted platforms are easier to set up. They offer user-friendly interfaces and require minimal technical knowledge.

Are Hosted Platforms More Secure?

Hosted platforms are generally more secure. The provider takes care of security updates and compliance measures.

Do Self-hosted Platforms Cost More?

Self-hosted platforms can be more cost-effective. However, additional costs for hosting and security may apply.

Can I Migrate Between Platforms?

Yes, you can migrate. However, it may involve data transfer, reconfiguration, and potential downtime.

Which Platform Is Better For Scalability?

Hosted platforms are often better for scalability. They can handle increased traffic and transactions more easily.

