How to Consistently Write on Medium

Kevin Nokia
5 min readJan 10, 2024


I’ve been writing for three months straight.

Publishing 4-5 times a week since October.

I’ve gained 4k+ followers for the last 2 months straight.

I learned that consistency is a major part of how my journey with you guys is still going and improving.

I’m not implementing consistency only in my writing but in other aspects of my life. I became consistent in doing my morning and night routines. I became consistent and disciplined in eliminating bad habits and starting other good ones.

So, the more you do it, the easier it gets.

The more you are consistent with one thing, the more it will affect other aspects of your life.

Writing on Medium

In order to write consistently on Medium, you need to know why you want to write on Medium.

If you only want to write on Medium for "inspirations” or mood, well, I guess it depends on when the inspiration comes and your mood when you want to write.

If you want to be serious in your writing and give value to whatever genre you want to write, then this article might help you achieve that.

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Here’s how to consistently write on Medium:

1. Know what you want to give and why.

You can’t just randomly write something without really knowing what you are doing and why.

The key of why is pretty important because that’s the purpose of why you start writing.

My purpose or reason for writing articles is to help people change their lives by building habits and being consistent with easy-to-understand articles.

You can find yours too with these questions:

  1. What value do I want to give and help people?
  2. Why do I want to give that value to people?
  3. How do I help people by giving them value?

The important key is value.

For example, I want to get value from my programming skills. It depends on what you want to give.

Find yours!

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

2. Set a specific place and time to write.

You need to know where you write and when.

This is going to help you become serious about your writing and dedicate your time and body to it at that time. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to develop the habits. Being specific will help you start doing it too.

Specificity is the important key to writing consistently and other habits.

For example, I write every morning at 8 a.m. with my coffee beside me on my desk.

I sometimes set up the night before so I can wake up tomorrow and be motivated to start writing. It helps me to avoid procrastination and start taking action the next day.

I decrease the friction so I can get up and start writing.

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

3. Goals and deadlines.

Know what you want to achieve every day, whether it’s a small goal or a big one.

You can set small goals every day to achieve big monthly or yearly goals. How to know what is by knowing what you want to achieve at the end. Find your ultimate goal at the end.

The ultimate goal helps you break it into pieces and start with smaller goals.

The small steps you take will help you get closer to your ultimate goals.

Consistency didn’t force you to start big.

Consistency recommends you start moving; it doesn’t matter how small or how big your first step is.

For example, you can use:

  1. I want to write 30 articles. (break it)
  2. I want to write 5 articles this week. (break it)
  3. I want to write two articles this week. (break it)
  4. I want to write one article this week.

You can use words per day too:

  1. I want to write 1000 words every day. (break it)
  2. I want to write 500 words every day. (break it)
  3. I want to write 250 words every day. (break it)
  4. I want to open my laptop and start writing anything.

We want to see progress, not perfection.

I believe that if you can write once per week, or at least make yourself start writing, you will be motivated to write more words and more articles next week.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Here is a concise list to start writing consistently on Medium:

  1. Know what you want to give and why.
  2. Set a specific place and time to write.
  3. Goals and deadlines.

At the end, you need to do the thing!

It doesn’t matter if you read or watch 1,000 tutorials on how to be consistent.

At the end, it is always you and yourself.

Conquer yourself!


New Substack! ✨

I’ve been working on making my articles more structured and exclusive, and I found the perfect platform in Substack.

I’m excited to share two new newsletters with you:

  • Kevin Nokia Writing: My personal journey from struggling through depression to becoming a successful individual.
  • I Am Literate: Discover how to replace scrolling addiction with effective reading habits to improve focus and attention span.

Join now for exclusive articles and a growing community!

Essential Resources for Your Journey 📚

  • My Booknotes (Free) | Download here
    Understand What You Read with Implementation Guide
  • Life-changing Blueprint (Free) | Download Here
    How to Change Your Life with Implementation Guide
  • 30-day Simple Habit Tracker (Free) | Download Here
    Track Your Daily Habits with Customizable Months



Kevin Nokia

Building reading and writing habits to eliminate doom-scrolling with I Am Literate