People Are Not Better Than You; They Just Know the ‘How’

Kevin Nokia
4 min readJan 17, 2024


We always thought that people were better than us.

They are rich.
They have a nice car.
They have better habits.
They have more followers than me.
They have a lot of things that I don’t have.

Even so, we have failed to recognize that we are actually the same.

We are not so different, and we aren’t superior to other people. No matter what your race is or where you are from, we are actually the same. We just don’t know the ‘how’.

That’s why there’s a saying that,

“If they can do it, I can do it too.”

It’s because we are not so different.

You might want to be the best writer in the world.

Mark Manson, James Clear, and Ryan Holiday are no different than you. You have the same capabilities as they do and the same potential as they do.

But there’s one thing you don’t have—you don’t have the ‘how’.

They know how to get millions of dollars in sales from books. They know how to connect with their readers in their own style. They know how to become the best at their own writing routine.

As you can see, it’s just based on ‘how’.

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

You might want to be the best student in class.

The best student in your class is no different from you either. He gets the same lessons as you. He gets the same benefits from school as you. He gets the same rules that you have in school.

Then what’s the difference?

He knows the ‘how’.

There’s a reason we need to learn from the masters. We use the same teachings as in history. We use the same tools that the best writers used before.

It’s because it works, and it’s because it’s the ‘how’.

Now, how do you find the ‘how’ in your mastery?

Here’s how I find my ‘how’.

1. Find what you want to master first.

I find writing something that I want to pursue and master.

I want to become the best at writing because I love it. I want to make many books and help a lot of people with them. The more I master it, the more people will be helped and connected.

This is why it is important to master your skills.

Even so, I don’t really get stuck thinking about or comparing myself to other people. I stuck to how I could get better and more. I don’t know how to be much better.

That’s why I need to learn from the masters.

2. Learn from the masters.

You need to find your idol in the area you seek to master.

My idols are Jordan B. Peterson, Ryan Holiday, and James Clear.

I chose Jordan B. Peterson because I love how critical and precise he is. Ryan Holiday is on how to become disciplined and consistent in writing. James Clear explains how to connect with people in writing and build the habit of writing too.

You can use mine too, if you want.

To help you find your idol, you can ask yourself this question:

Who inspires me to pursue and master this skill or activity?

Then, after you find one, you can move on to the last step to start becoming like them.

3. Imitate

It’s not wrong to imitate the way they work.

It’s wrong if you use the same words and then copy and paste them into your writing without any credit. If you use it for learning, there’s nothing wrong with that.

You can see that I use quotes and learn from them.

Start small, which is from James Clear’s Atomic Habits.

Writing routine, which is from Ryan Holiday.

Critical thinking, which is from Jordan B. Peterson.

Imitate how they work, and you will become like them in success.

Because they know the ‘how’.

Photo by Matt Ragland on Unsplash

So, to conclude the list:

  1. Find what you want to master.
  2. Learn from the masters.
  3. Imitate the masters.

Why do we need to learn a lot from the masters?

Because they know how, and we don’t.

They are the same as us, but they aren’t superior to us.

We are still the same human being, but with a different ‘how’.

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Kevin Nokia

Building reading and writing habits to eliminate doom-scrolling with I Am Literate