why do we fall? so we can learn to pick ourselves up

Kevin Nokia
3 min readJun 25, 2024


why do we fall, sir? so we can learn to pick ourselves up (Batman Begins 2005)

We will always fall.

If it’s not today, maybe tomorrow, or maybe next week. We never know. What we know is that we will always fall. It’s part of learning. It’s part of the process. It’s part of the journey.

The journey will always have ups and downs. Life will always be fun and sad. We can’t control what will come or what has already passed.

What we can control is how we can get back up.

The more you fall, the more you understand yourself. It’s just a basic formula for success, and you know it. You know that when you fall or fail, you will eventually succeed.

Thomas Edison failed 2774 times before making a light bulb filament. Just imagine how many that is compared to how many we failed before.

I don’t want you to compare yourself to Thomas Edison.

What you can compare is to who you were yesterday. In order to compare yourself to who you were yesterday, you need to understand yourself.

That’s why falling down is one of the best ways to understand yourself. You know your capabilities. You know how to become better. You know the traps. You know the paths.

Be brave enough to fail. Is failure in itself enough?

The problem with people is that they avoid getting back up after failing. Many people tried to stay down and lay down, never wanting to get back up. It’s just like, when you fail an exam, your teacher tells you the wrong answer and how to fix it, but you say, “No, I would rather stay here with my low-grade exam.”.

You are okay if you try to take a rest and lay down a little bit. But if you choose to not get back up, you won’t learn anything.

That’s why the best learning in falling is not only about understanding yourself. It’s about how you understand yourself, then get back up.

It’s about learning to pick yourself up. The best teacher is yourself. The best mentor is yourself. Everywhere you go, you will be with yourself and, of course, God.

You will succeed eventually.

It’s just a matter of time.

You will succeed!

It’s just a matter of time…

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Kevin Nokia

I help people replace their scrolling addiction with effective reading habits to improve their focus and attention span. https://substack.com/@kevinnokiawriting