Get the Most Out of Your Drive-Thru Menu Boards

2 min readAug 7, 2018


By now, many QSR’s have made the change from static printed or painted signage to modern, versatile Digital Signs in their dining rooms, But that’s only half the story, or more accurately, it’s one-third of the story, because the dining room only accounts for one-third of the revenues. The other two-thirds comes thru the drive through lane.

Drive-thru Menu Boards

Your Captive Audience

Since most of the revenue comes through the drive-thru, doesn’t it deserve at least as much investment as does the less-productive dining room? And, consider that your customer is essentially locked into the drive-thru queue for several minutes. This puts you, QSR management into a position that other marketers can only dream about because for those magic minutes, you have a truly “captive” audience.

The possibilities are practically limitless. You can introduce new specials, one-time offers or even run advertisements to build brand loyalty. And, if you’ve already introduced Digital Signage in your dining room, you know how easy it is to rotate your message, with a touch of a button, rather than a trip to the printers, and wrestling with mechanical signage in the wind, the rain and the dark.

Customers Need Time to Decide

It’s easy for you to forget that while you and your staff are familiar with any new items on the menu, your customers probably aren’t. After all, these are new items. So, give your drive-thru customers enough time to take it all in, to consider and to decide. To accomplish this, the placement of your Digital Menus are critical, especially, the Digital Menu Board that is touting any limited time offers, and, even more so, any new items. Studies confirm that those critical drive-thrus should be placed about four car lengths ahead of your cashiers or your drive-thru electronic ordering station.


It’s very easy to go overboard here. If your animations and videos are too long — or too much fun! — Your customers may spend too much time watching and not enough time thinking about what he wants to eat. This will cause bunching up at the ordering station, and hurt throughput.

About Author:

Having been involved with digital signage and With several years of experience implementing indoor menu boards, drive-thrus and digital menu boards since its inception, Origin Display Group know what questions to ask and the routes to take when acting as a guiding hand towards a solution. Beyond our product line, it is our services that truly set us apart. We don’t just sell you menu boards, we provide solutions that meet your specific needs, budget, expectations and DEADLINES!

