How To Get a Stronger Bench Press3 proven methods to finally develop your chest to the next level.Feb 25, 20203Feb 25, 20203
Star Wars 9 or How to Not End a SagaA constructive critic by someone who still adores every second of every.Jan 7, 20201Jan 7, 20201
Published inMed DailyThe Start of The “New” Medium Partner ProgramWe are currently in the most significant changes in the partner program so far.Oct 29, 20192Oct 29, 20192
Published inMed DailyThe Art of Recharging Your Own EnergyYour body and mind will thank you laterOct 24, 2019Oct 24, 2019
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Published ina Few WordsGood and Bad DaysI know, I know. It’s one of those days again, and you’re wondering what’s going on. You can’t define this feeling precisely, but something…Oct 14, 2019Oct 14, 2019
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It is No Mistake if You Don’t Take Every ChanceBe patient and honest with yourself.Oct 8, 20194Oct 8, 20194