Raising Our Vibration to Gamma and Beyond!

Kevin Schoeninger
12 min readOct 29, 2019
Gamma brainwaves rise in the Light, Love, and Peace Meditation

In 1966, Jean Gebser published a book called The Ever Present Origin. In it he proposed that human consciousness has developed through distinct structural shifts which have been accompanied by specific brainwave frequencies. He divided these different epochs of consciousness into Archaic, Magic, Mythic, and Mental and correlated these with delta, theta, alpha, and beta waves. He theorized that the next stage of human consciousness would be marked by the arising of gamma waves.

In his article on Gebser’s theory, “The Gamma Hypothesis,” Adam Kennedy summarizes this new development:

“The new structure on the horizon, which is deemed Integral consciousness, will be accompanied by its’ very own set of brainwave patterns, those of the Gamma wave band. Human beings have acquired brainwave frequencies well up into the Beta range. These brainwaves have been proven to predominate at various stages of development. Human beings will also gain access to Gamma oscillations as their dominant frequency, which allow for higher mental cognition and neuronal synchronization. This will “integrate” the other brainwave states together; creating what philosopher Sri Aurobindo has termed the Supermind. Once this system comes fully online, it will enable a transparent vision of human history, sear the divisive lines of past and future, and bring complete clarity to the



Kevin Schoeninger

Meditation Coach. Author “Clear Quiet Mind” & “Raising Our Vibration: A Guide to Subtle Energy Meditation” https://raisingourvibration.net