The 100 Million TRX game !

Kevin Sequeira
3 min readJul 1, 2019

A dialogue with the team of the popular Tron(TRX) based game CropBytes.

I recently had a chance to meet the brains behind CropBytes. 
It’s only been a year since the team began development, yet they have created enough buzz to obtain more than 5k users and transactions over
 100 Million TRX !!!
All this by a team of just10. (Plus a few people working remotely from time to time.)

I had the opportunity to speak with them on the progress so far and their plans for the future, they were cool enough to answer some of my questions

Most crypto games did not withstand the bear market in 2018, what was different about Cropbytes?

Our aim is to create a fun experience for the user with overall satisfaction and earning. We are clear about our goals and market fluctuation must not affect them.
Our development & operational cost does not depend on the revenue generated by users.

How did you build a strong community around your game?

We have consistently been developing the game and adding features to it since the past year. We focus a lot on feedback from our players.
Having a buyback option, helped us earn our players trust & got us closer to them. We were the first game to do this!

Early players of CropBytes have left the game with huge profits, how do you feel about it?

Yes, some early players who have left the game with 10 times their investment, I am happy about it. But that’s not our ideology. We aim to make this game a major virtual economy,
 even beyond crypto.
Most of our initial users are still here supporting us. We are lucky to have an amazing & active community who believe in the game and our team.

What are your thoughts on Farmville? Is it a benchmark for CropBytes?

I was an active player back in 2013–14, The concept is quite addictive. I’ve spent over $500 and will definitely buy more if I start playing again.

Farming simulation games have been around way before Farmville. Although there are many similarities in the game, Our objective is different.
Games have their users spend on improving their experience within the game, But our objective is fun + creating value for the player who spends time playing. 
Graphically Farmville is better, while our logic and depth differs.

What’s the update on the free to play version of the Game?

We believe the game will help non-crypto users understand how the virtual economy works and ease them in with the currency. We are working on the graphics prior to release. We will also be integrating USD&INR payments opening up the game to more users.

We heard about mini-games & more superhero features, can you tell us about that?

We are in works of adding multiple mini games, where you can battle, race and compete with other players using assets and livestock.
For Superheroes, we will be enabling voice-commands, you can take them on walks, battles, and exploration. Like your own virtual pet.

That’s all I can say for now, We will be focused on developing the game and growing our user base.
Our aim is to hit 1 Million players by the 2nd quarter of 2020.

